Well that was scary

By King, Posted 08 Aug 2010

Last night (or this morning I guess) I was getting attacked with messages about a virus. This stopped me from getting into any programs, including internet browsers (which still wouldn't work even in safe mode with networking for whatever reason). I'm no computer expert despite the amount of time I spend on them. So anyway, I do some research on the virus, and it turns out it's not even a real virus but just a scam to get me to buy a full anti-virus software. I looked around to see the safest way to repair it, and hopefully not lose my data. After doing plenty of research via my iPod's web browser, I hesitantly clicked on System Restore, and went back to August 1st just to be safe. 


After about 5-10 minutes I come back to check my computer, and my desktop background looks like normal, without virus warnings popping up by the second. I click on Google Chrome and it takes a while to load, but eventually I have access to the internet from my PC. I opened other programs to be sure and everything is working. After a while it got up to normal speed, but I'm going to clean up some things from the hard drive that I don't need since I noticed I'm taking up almost 100 GB of 140.


Hopefully everything continues to run smoothly. 

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  • Glad that everything is ok, at least for now. I never read those weird emails, and aparently you clicked on one. 

    Posted Aug 08, 2010

  • Weird emails? What? 

    Posted Aug 08, 2010

  • Good that everything is fine for now. Such scams are definitely to be avoided, they seem quite annoying (though I've never had them).

    Posted Aug 08, 2010

  • I've had one of those that open IE like 50 times with a anti virus ad. Really annoying....

    Posted Aug 08, 2010

  • I mean, don't you receive random emails offering you something?

    Posted Aug 08, 2010

  • This is what happens when you use a trail version. It's nothing serious. I see that quite a lot because most the softwares I use are trail versions xD

    What do you keep in your HDD? Consuming 100 GB isn't easy :lol

    Posted Aug 08, 2010

  • There are some sites that pretends that they are scanning your computer but they are just spywares or trojans. Its irritating. The best way to avoid is to avoid anything suspicious.

    Posted Aug 08, 2010

  • U shouldn’t open any unknown emails or links that appearing with such kind of emails & I do agree with koshai its best to avoid.

    Posted Aug 09, 2010

  • You got scared for no reason :P

    Posted Aug 09, 2010

  • @Sleven : I believe the majority of that is taken by music. 

    Posted Aug 10, 2010

  • System restore? Not that's something I never use :D I prefer to reinstalling the windows(or restoring an recent disc image backup), than housing a large amounts of useless backup data on my hard-drive.

    Ow, and btw, a 140GB HDD? Are you using a laptop? as I find it a bit sall for a desktop computer...

    Posted Aug 10, 2010

  • @Daktary : Yes it's a laptop. :P

    Posted Aug 11, 2010

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