I'm assuming most of you have seen it on the front page. 


How would you rather have your games rated?





1-5 (with half point increments)

1-10 (with half point increments)

1-100 (with half point increments)



I haven't seen any discussion of the poll anywhere, but the results are very interesting to me so I want to see some reason behind the voting, so please feel free to share how you voted and why in the comments. 


My personal vote




Originally I wanted 1-10 with .1 increments but since that wasn't an option, it actually made me change my mind and go with 1-100.  It would amount to the same system, but it would seperate us a little from using the same system as big name sites like GS, IGN, GB, etc. For example instead of scoring a game 7.7/10 it would be  77/100 (or 77% if we wanted to do it like that). As for why I like this as opposed to smaller scales, I've voiced my opinion numerous times before, but I just like having flexibility, because you're able to show so much more, because if two similar games score 76 and 84, you see that the second game is significantly better, while in other systems they would end up receiving the same exact score. Some people say scores don't matter, but I know the users do think it matters, and it's important that we meet the wants of our users, right?

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  • I go with 1-10 with half point increments (ie 8.5, 9.0, 7.5)


    I feel if i go with 1-100, i can't tell the different if a game deserve a 77 or a 76.

    Posted Jul 28, 2010

  • I think 1-10 is perfect with 0.5 intervals. 1 -100 is too tough & how can you differentiate between 58/100 & 59/100 ?

    Posted Jul 28, 2010

  • I've voted for 1-10 (with half point increments). Because this is what I want. But if there's are star system, I would like to see 5 stars system with half star increments. Like how you can do it in giantbomb.

    Posted Jul 28, 2010

  • 1-10 with half points, just like gamespot. makes things so much easier.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • Your feedback is paramount to us, and whatever the general consensus is will be what we go with. We're literally designing the new game pages as we speak, so make sure you get your say.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • I like 1-10 (with half point increments). It's easier to understand.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • I'm with whatever you guys come up with. I don't see the rating much before buying a game. I've voted for our existing 1-5 (with half point increments) system btw.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • I know most of you have already stated your position, but I urge you all to read this article on the pros and cons of the many different rating systems out there. It's a fine read. Plus it's educational!

    While I doubt that reading it would change your current thoughts on the matter, it would still be a good idea to at least familiarize yourselfs with all the option available. I mean, who knows; you might actually find something you like more there.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • I'm wondering who the other 9 people that voted for 1-100 are.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • I would go for 1 point increment style just to have in depth reviews.

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • I want a score that gets the ones who looks up the game to read more than just the score. 

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • I go with 1-10 (half point increcements)

    I don't really like the 5 star system because many people feel different about a number of stars. For some people 2 stars ARE 2 (mostly gold) stars and that means it's not good, but not bad either. For other people 2 stars just means a 4. The 5 star system leaves to much room for discussion. 


    With the 1-10 scale this is different because all people know what a 6 or an 8 means. I choose the half point increcement system beacuse I think it's the most easy one. Also easy to overview. And what is the difference between a 9.1, 9.2 or 9.3?

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • @Horgen123 - I don't follow. Could you elaborate?

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • Honestly, as some people may know.. I entirely dislike giving a score to a game lol. I like the idea of 1-10 with half point increments though. While it is already used everywhere, people wouldn't have any problems adopting it and it makes it a bit less complicated for me rather than % lol, in my situation, the less flexibility I have for a score, the better it is ;p

    Posted Jul 29, 2010

  • Maybe because I'm used with it I'd go for the 1-10 score rating with half point increments, though I don't have any objections if it were 1-100 as this way you can better differentiate games that have been granted the same mark

    Posted Jul 31, 2010

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