A list

By Daktary, Posted 13 Jul 2010

A friend of mine sent me this link a few moments ago, and as I don't want to be selfish I decided to share it with you guys. So, without further ado, here's The Grand List Of Console Role Playing Game Cliches.

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  • Checking it out :D

    Posted Jul 13, 2010

  • No way I'm reading through all of that, but I skimmed through some and they're pretty funny. :lol

    Posted Jul 13, 2010

  • Awesome share. I can't laugh any harder :lol

    Posted Jul 13, 2010

  • So true about JRPG games. I would definitely hail this writer. One of the bests i have seen. 1,13, 22, 24, 41, 88, 121,  183, are so true and hilarious. The set laws are awesome. I would ask the same thing. Why dint they use Phoenix Down on Aeris? 189 is the ultimate!!!!

    Posted Jul 13, 2010

  • I needed to read them few times to understand.

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • @Xiao : ok

    @King : Well, that's why it was called The Grand List

    @Sleven : You're welcome!

    @Koshai : True, true! :lol

    @Tanya : Hmm... I didn't find it a hard read. Maybe you didn't see that much of a connection to the JRPGs that you've played.

    Posted Jul 14, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Your friend has just made my day.

    Posted Jul 14, 2010

  • They were hilarious :lol

    Posted Jul 15, 2010

  • @RON : Glad to hear that :D

    @Xiao : Yup :D

    Posted Jul 15, 2010

  • This is so true. And it's also why I never play CRPGs anymore. Literally EVERY SINGLE THING stated in that article is why I dislike console RPGs in general.


    PC FTW! :D

    Posted Jul 16, 2010

  • @DeltaX : Well, true, but it's ok one in a while to get a good laugh :P

    Posted Jul 17, 2010

  • Nice link.

    Posted Jul 31, 2010

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