My first blog on Noobfeed, so I've thought I'd post a random blog.

So what has been on everyone's minds this week?

World Cup Final this Sunday, Holland VS Spain who will win?

Even Sackboy been predicting who will win,

DSC00118.jpg picture by BenLeslie5

I got the idea from Paul the Octopuss which has been on the news a couple of times. There's two boxes with each team in and the octopuss picks which box on which team would win in each match. Over the past few days the octopuss was right on the German matches and last night's match with Spain and Germany. So which box will the Octopuss pick for this weeekend?

Next up-

There's been rumors that Hideo Kojima's next project might be Metal Gear Solid 5.


Ever since I've played MGS 1 on the PS1 around 2007, I've really got into the series over the past few years from now. I havn't played Peace Walker yet, but learned alot from the Metal Gear Solid games. This was when I was at college doing drama, I had to do the Cardboard box trick but me and my friend had to use large bags to move around. It was pretty random but funny

But my guess is that Kojima is possibly making a Zone of the Enders 3 or a remake of Metal Gear Solid 1. But guess we'll have to wait until this year's Tokyo GameShow for more info.

Here's an interesting fact for most music fans, It's been fifty years that The Beatles have given the world some of the best songs and music, and are still one of the greatest bands of our time.

Last up-



This week's episode of K-ON Season 2: Episode 14 "Summer Training!"

Unable to get Mio to hang out with her, Ritsu runs into Mugi who decides to hang out with her. They go to an arcade and then to a candy store, where Tsumugi is fascinated by all the cheap items. Meanwhile, Yui has Nodoka over to help with her homework, and gets upset when she eats the strawberry off her cake. Later, Mugi asks Ritsu to hit her, wanting the same skinship she has with Mio, but Ritsu cannot bring herself to do it.


As a compromise, Ritsu attempts to train Mugi to be dopey enough that Mio would hit her instead, but to no avail. Hoping to make an opportunity, Mugi eats the strawberry off Mio's cake, but this just makes her cry. Having given up when a direct request to Mio also fails, Mugi finally gets hit when she implies Ritsu would be popular with the girls if she was a boy.


There's also been a new opening called Miracle, and new ending which is called No Thank You. I don't like the opening that much, but I do love new ending music really catchy and a bit of punk in it-

Next week's episode "Marathon!"

Thats all for now


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  • Now this is fast. I was expecting to see something within a week but you've nailed it :D You already have my comment on the blog. So, I'll just wait and see what others have to say ;)

    Welcome to NoobFeed mate. Really appreciate for joining :D

    Posted Jul 08, 2010

  • Welcome, whoever you are


    If it is MGS 5, will Snake be a zombie? 

    Posted Jul 08, 2010

  • Oh wow!!! What a nice way to write your first blog. Very interesting. I guess the Sackboy will predict Spain (I hope). Welcome to Noobyland btw!!!! Enjoy!!!

    Posted Jul 08, 2010

  • Welcome to NoobFeed! I love that sackboy picture, you didn't take it did you? It's funny that you mention MGS5 because I was working on a news story that mentions that right now.

    Posted Jul 08, 2010

  • Sleven sent me a PM telling me about you so I thought I'd stop by and say hello. :)

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Welcome to NF. :) You are a friend of Slevi, so I KNOW you are awesome. Enjoy NF. It's such a good gaming community.

    Anyway, I'm really upset that Germany didn't make it to the finals. I was really upset. :( I'm American, but I'm a Germany fan because that's like the best country... EVER. Minus it's socialism and speed-limitless Autobahn with retarded small cars. :)

    I would like a MGS remake on the PS3... I would salivate. But the thing is that they remade it for the GC (which I haven't played), so I wouldn't expect one in forever.

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Hey, thought I'd stop by to say hello. And welcome to NoobFeed! :D


    Yup, Kojima's next project has to be MGS5. Or so he says. The Beatles? One of the greatest bands of all time? I'm already liking you, my friend. :P


    I haven't been watching anime lately. I did watch the first two eps of K-ON Season 2, but wasn't really as interested as I was with the first. I'm more of a gamer than an anime nerd anyway :P


    Well, hope you're liking NoobFeed. You'll find our community friendly and approachable. Again, welcome! :D

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Welcome to NF

    I hope and think Holland will win the WC. But that's mainly because I'm from Holland myself

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Nice blog. I want to see where Paul the Octopuss sits this time. My prediction it will be Spain again. And, I didn't know that Beatles have touched fifty years!

    Welcome to NoobFeed btw. Looking forward to see you around :)

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • @Tanya : Again? Spain never won the WC before.

    EDIT: I think you mean again because they won the European Cup 2 years ago.

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Welcome to NoobFeed :)

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Welcome to NoobFeed mate! Thanks for informing us about the possibility of MGS 5, I am a big fan of the series :).

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Welcome to NoobFeed :D

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Thanks for the comments and welcoming me on Noobfeed :D

    Posted Jul 09, 2010

  • Hey! Welcome to Noobfeed!

    And who did Sackboy predict, would win? I'm no soccer fan but I find the story with the octopuss very funny :P

    Ow, and please, no spoilers. I'll watch the second season of K-on! once it's done airing as I hate to have long pauses between the episodes :P (not to mention seeing it from different sources with different video quality and subtitles)

    Posted Jul 09, 2010


    I personally vote for Holland, but that's only because my best coworker is from over there, so I told him I'd cheer for them, otherwise I entirely dislike and have no interest in football (or soccer, whichever lol).. actually I don't have much interest for professional sports in general o_O

    After reading your post.. I'm hoping for an entirely different game from Hideo, or a remake of MGS1. I feel that MGS4 was perfect the way it was and works very good as a franchise finale, so unless he pulls a Snake Eater on us and release another prequel, I wouldn't want an official "MGS5" sequel-way.. Not that pulling a Snake Eater on us would be bad though, as it is my favorite game in the franchise.

    Posted Jul 10, 2010

  • Welcome!

    Posted Jul 22, 2010

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