My Apologies.

By Xiao, Posted 06 Jul 2010

I hate to say this but I did something bad and I have been feeling awful because I couldn’t share this earlier. I needed to escape from my thing, including my life in Singapore. I have also been cheating with the guy who I think really loves me :( It all started with a fun and all became serious before I could manage it. I won’t get into much detail but few of my good friends here know what wrong I did.

I could just run away from this forum and let you all to forget about me. But it would have stayed as a shame in my life. I am here to say sorry and specially to you Slevi. I know you will never talk to me again. Since you didn’t reply any of my messages, PMs, emails. Please forgive me :(

I thank Horgen and Tanya for their support and talk to face this blog. You two are good persons.

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  • Life is cruel sometimes :( 


    I hope that you and Sleven are able to talk in a few days. Leaving it unfinished is a lot more painful in the long run. :( 

    Posted Jul 06, 2010

  • Im sorry for the hardships and struggles that you have been going through.  Just stay strong, and focus on sorting out your life.  Hope everything works between you and Sleven.

    Posted Jul 06, 2010
  • avatar RON

    We all make mistakes in life. You can't be too perfect. What's important is that you realize what wrong has been done and try to correct it.

    Posted Jul 06, 2010

  • Best of luck in your endeavors, hope everything turns out alright. :|

    Posted Jul 06, 2010

  • No one is perfect. Its a part of human nature. Everyone makes mistakes and also learn from these mistakes. Dont worry about it. You will eventually find a way to redeem yourself or even find yourself to become a better person. Maybe the blog you wrote just now is a starting point!!!

    Posted Jul 06, 2010

  • Koshai nails it right though, maybe this blog is just a starting point. The hardest part of our mistakes isn't to actually do them, it's to actually face and confront them, no matter how big the mistake is. Some can be repaired, others can't, yet we still need to face them and not doing so will only increase the awful feeling that lies in there.

    Hopefully you will be able to talk with Sleven, I know it probably isn't any easier for him either, but as Horgen said, leaving things untouched and unfinished is quite something.

    Best luck to you and the people whom may be concerned in this.

    Posted Jul 07, 2010

  • RON have said it all. Good luck!

    Posted Jul 07, 2010

  • its okay Xiao, we all make mistakes. Just live and forget. Itll all get better as long as you are truley sorry. If you arnt truley sorry then Im sorry to say it will just get worse for you.

    Posted Jul 07, 2010

  • You always make nice post and make me laugh. But I feel really sad reading this blog. I can't guess whatever happened but I know you wouldn't cheat on purpose. I hope you get everything fixed.  Sleven is a nice mature kid. He will understand. Have faith in yourself.

    Posted Jul 07, 2010

  • @FetusZero - Is quite something you don't want to do. But at the same time, if you leave it long enough, do you want to tear it up all again? That's my problem now. :( 

    Posted Jul 07, 2010

  • @Horgen123: That's what I meant, well as far as how it sounded in my head.

    Posted Jul 07, 2010

  • nobody is perfect..

    Posted Sep 21, 2010

  • @Xiao :  Everyone have said the right thing.  It's good that you shared the feelings you couldn't let out before.  Everyone makes mistakes.  Don't be too hard on yourself.  I hope you and Sleven will talk this matter out in a positive way.  WIsh you best of luck. Time will heal everything. 

    Posted Oct 27, 2010

  • Everything will get better in time. You just have to keep your friends close and watch plenty of good movies :D

    Posted Jan 13, 2011

  • Time always forgives. It also forces people do the same as long as they know it wasnt intentional. keep at it!

    Posted Jan 13, 2011

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