Update about.. everything!

By SvV_Ying, Posted 30 Jun 2010

Hi all, thought of writing a new blog. Don't know a good subject so why don't just update you on everything! Well, not everything of course, but the most important stuff.

First of, as some of you may know I torned the cruciate ligaments in my knee last year. The recovery is going ok. I'm at 4 months in the recovery so far. It's not going so fast as I hoped but it is slowly improving. Jogging is difficult but besides jogging and football I can almost do everything. Unless you're going to point me at some very crazy knee moves. I think it will take another 4 or 5 months to be fully recovered.

No on to something much nicer, I booked a vacation to Greece! Together with my girlfriend I'll go to Kos-City on the island Kos. In the summer it's a place for younger people and it offers everything from culture till clubs. It's also close to Turkey so we might take a boat trip to there as well. To give you an idea on Kos here are some pictures.

I'll be in Kos for the 2 weeks from july 11th till july 25th. And to be honest, I'll miss Noobfeed and the people on it

Now let's go to the games! My work at Ajax is over and I got a 50 euro giftcard for a gameshop as a goodbye present, they knew I liked games. I decided to buy 3 budget priced games instead of a fully priced new one. I got Borderlands, Wet and Fuel. Started on Borderlands and Wet and they had some good first impressions, definitely continuing with them. Also I'm still playing Red Dead Redemption and Final Fantasy XIII. Almost completed FFXIII but I'm doing some leveling right now. Not so much other games to think of now but there are coming some good ones like Crysis 2, FIFA 11, COD: Black Ops, GT5 and Mafia II later this year. Sony's E3 conference was nice and gave me a good impression on the way the game industry is going. Looks like motion controle and 3D will be more serious than I thought.

And last but not least something about NoobFeed. I think I'm back at this site for a little bit over a month now after I've been away for about a year. I really like the place and the people on it. It's not so crowded as some other bigger game sites but the core group of people who are the most active is a very nice group of people. I really like it to log in and look at new posts at all the boards. Especially the off-topic board is always a fun place to be.

That are the updates for this time. If you want an update on something else or you really miss something just say so I can always add some extra lines to the blog. See you on the forum!

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  • Glad that your recover is going ok, the real key here is to have patience and perseverance, hoping to see you at 100% sometime this year.

    Have fun in Greece, those pictures are really nice, which means that you made a good choice for your vacations. I also hope you'll find a certain someone there.

    Those games will keep you busy for a while as the three are very long games. My favorite is Borderlands, too bad that I already have the platinum because we could always play some co op online. :P I also have a big list from last E3, mainly shooters but I also want to check GT5 and Trine 2.

    You have said it all, the NF community might be smaller than other gaming websites, but we hope to see this site up there, where it deserves to be. Of course that can take some time, but with the help of everyone, I think we can do it.

    Posted Jun 30, 2010

  • Good to hear that your knee is getting better and better :) You picked a good place for your holidays, don't hesitate to ask me anything about the place. Like I've already told you, I've been to Kos twice and it's a great place to be from all aspects.

    Posted Jun 30, 2010

  • That place looks amazing. Glad to here that your knee is getting better, how did it happen anyway? I hope you decide to stick around on NoobFeed, I enjoy having you here.

    Posted Jun 30, 2010

  • @canana : By that certain someone do you mean someone we know from this site? Because if it is who I think you mean I won't see him because he doesn't live near Kos. Or am I completely mistaking you?

    @ILIAS : You've been more than helpfull already, thanks. I'll definitely ask you if have a new question.

    @King : First football match of the new season in august 2009. I ran toward the ball, player from the other team was there before me so I try to turn. My whole body turns but my left leg is stuck in the grass. So i heard some snaps in my knee, knew it was bad immediatly

    Posted Jul 01, 2010

  • I will miss you during this two weeks. But this vacation is more important. You have fun and refresh yourself for another year of stress :) Kos-City looks beautiful.

    Those are very nice words about NoobFeed. You are here because you are also nice. Those who are not nice, won't last here long :D And, finally I'm also very happy to hear that you are recovering well :)

    Posted Jul 01, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Enjoy your trip to kos. While I was studying about Greece, I had that place in my radar.

    Posted Jul 01, 2010

  • Have fun there at the vacation. It must be a great feeling take your girl friend out for a trip. I can't wait to grow up :D The place looks beautiful. Not sure about FIFA 11 but Black Ops and Mafia II are definitely coming home :D I agree with what you've said about NoobFeed. This place is a nice place to hangout online.

    Posted Jul 02, 2010

  • @Tanya : Thanks. And I'll upload some pictures when I'm back.

    @RON : Thanks

    @Sleven : Also thanks to you. How old are you now then?

    Posted Jul 02, 2010

  • @SvV_Ying : The picture sez it all!!! Awesome place. Enjoy your trip to Greece!!!

    Posted Jul 02, 2010

  • That'll be very nice :)

    Posted Jul 03, 2010

  • Wow, we'll be very close (relatively). I'll be going through Romania, managing a tour for our booking agency the 20th and 21st.

    Enjoy the trip, it's bound to be crowded.

    Posted Jul 05, 2010

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