I'm Back!

By ForestHump, Posted 27 Jun 2010

Yes. This is true. At least I am hoping it will be. I am more or less back to being active on the site. When NF first launched I was very enthusiastic and what not and was very active on the site.. for those of you who knew me here, that was true, but only for a while. For many reasons i was forced to think about priorities and take a leave of absence. Well, I am back and better than ever.


To start off, please take this leave with no offence. The site and community is great, and that is the reason I am returning. I love this site and will do my best to contribute the best to the great and growing community here. Without going into to much detail, family matters came first and for the last little while I did not have time to do much of anything. School was the second priority and all the focus I put into it was well rewarded. At the end of the summer I will be attending the University of Notre Dame. 


Anyway, much to do. Good to be back.. oh and plugs. Yes, a few plugs.


1) Me and Nerdboy from this very site, have started a podcast called the Alliance of Awesomecast (brownie points for anyone who gets the name reference). We have finished our first episode and it should be on iTunes soon, and the second one is scheduled to be recorded on Friday. We are always looking for guests and anyone who is interested should contact me at brendendonaher@gmail.com


2) Curtis (nerdboy) has been very successful and has created a website of his own. Go check out pspenguin.net for all the latest and greatest playstation news. 


Well, that is all for now. See you all around the site. Oh, and I am hoping to start my blogs again. 


Forest :)

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  • Welcome back! I remember ya :P


    Hope to see you around the site more often. It's also great you and Nerdboy have started a podcast (and a website no doubt). Site looks cool :D

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • Obviously I remember you. Alliance of Awesomecast from Alliance of Awesomeness. Not a bad idea. I remember how you two used to have fun here. And, your blogs. Those were special. I really missed you here. You left in your grandpa was in a difficult situation and we never get to know what happened after that. I've been worried for long. Whatever happened, you are giving your family the first priority now is matter the most. We aren't dumb and we understand your situation.

    I'm happy to see you back. You'll love the forum now for sure. Things have changed a lot. We have many new members. Most of them will be unfamiliar to you. But the great thing about our community is that it's still the same old friendly place to hang out :)


    @nerdboy : I'm a little surprised that you've never shared that news with us. Congrats for making it finally.

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • @ Tanya. Well the bad news is in late November my grandfather ended up passing away. He was 91 years old. I was in the hospital room with him and all my family at the time of his passing and I can say without a doubt it was the most difficult thing I have ever been through in my life.


    And I hope to be as active as I can. 

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • I'm so very sorry to hear that. May his R.I.P. I don't doubt that it was very difficult for you. Should be difficult for anyone to lose the loved ones. You and all your family members were with him till his last moments which was important for him.

    I really hope to see you around like the old days.

    Edit: Don't put any space between the @ and username. It won't send any notification.

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • How can we forget? Welcome back welcome back!! Its great that you two are something great. Alliance of Awesomecast feels like you guys are living in the world of fantasyland forming so many alliances.........!!!!!! Sorry for your grandpa!! May God bless him!!!

    Playstation Penguin looks great too!!

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • Hello there once again! I hope you can become active once again and glad to hear that you are ok. Sure family is very important and I'm sorry about your GrandFather, I also lost mine in February and I know the feeling. Life must go on! See you around the forums. :)

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • I don't think I've seen you here before but now I know why. Welcome back :)

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • Welcome back. :)

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • Welcome back mate. Giving more time to family and studies are better than spending time online. But return of an old active member is always a plus. I look forward to that podcast :)

    Posted Jun 27, 2010

  • Welcome back Forest :)

    Posted Jun 28, 2010

  • @tanya

    Yeah sorry about that been really busy lol, I feel a little weird making a big blog post about it here (I don't want to come off as trying to advertise) though I do make a mention of it in my blog that I posted earlier today, but yes exciting times for sure!

    Posted Jul 03, 2010

  • @nerdboy : It's ok with me. We consider you as our old friend and we will definitely help you advertise your site :)

    Posted Jul 03, 2010

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