Console comparisons - 80GB PS3 vs Xbox 360 Arcade.


I don't plan on just bashing each console, I favor the Xbox more than the PS3. I have my reasons, you may not agree. That is just dandy, everybody has their own opinions. I am not going to go through each and every feature of the consoles, just the ones that matter to me. Im gonna make this a two part-er, it is just easier that way for me to make sure I have not forgotten anything.


The Good


- First and most important- Dependable, I am the 3rd owner of my 80gb PS3 console and it still runs like new. I plan to be the last owner of it too.


- Very Stylish


- 4 USB ports which is much more useful than the 2 that standard PS3 console comes with now.


- Playstation 2 playback, Which I take full advantage of.


- Allows for very many different media formats to be stored on the HDD through USB or flash card reader *never used the flash card reader*


- I got such a good deal on it.


- Easy to back up game saves


- Very easy to transfer media from PS3 to flash drive or external HDD. Very important because I mainly use my PS3's for watching pirated movies where as the Xbox 360 I use for gaming.


- Chromed out, adds to the sexyness of the console.


- Thanks to the different media storage capabilities I have the option to store bootleg movies on it and have full control of them from my couch. Unlike if they were stored on my computer.


- Very user friendly.


- Very very heavy, I like that.


- Not only can you run your audio and video through the same port, but you can make them completely independent. Good feature for a person like me, HDMI's sound don't sound as crisp and clear as when I run it directly into my stereo head through gold plated A/V Sony Playstation cables. Bass hits much harder too.


The Bad


- Very loud when ran for more than 20 minuets


- Gets very hot and makes me nervous that it is gonna go belly up real soon.


- Shows finger prints and scratches like a ****.


- The PS2 software made for the full B/C dose really stupid things to some of my favorite games like Gran Tourismo 4.


- I personally feel its delicate, and don't move it much.


- Will cost me a bundle to fix if it dose break. *but I will get it fixed by Sony in the event it dose break*


- Oh so dirty internally, not only do I smoke, but the very first owner of the console smoked around it too and it is just gross inside. It comes with the territory of smoking.


- This is my personal opinion of my PS3, I love the thing and I hate the damn thing at the same time.


- Have to sync Trophies with server, so If I haven't gotten the chance to sync my trophies and my PS3 dies, I loose whatever wasn't synced.


- HDD requires re-format if you wish to upgrade to a larger size.


Here is my opinion of what is good and bad about my Xbox 360 Arcade. Manufactured Novermember 11th 2007. Never been opend, microsoft sticker still intact. So It has lasted with no issuse since its pruchase. Which in my opinion is pretty impressive.


The Good


- Pretty quiet


- My console is pretty old *no internal memory card and it is deffentantly an Arcade*


- Never been cracked open or modded, so never RRoD'd or E74'd.


- I actually trust this console. *ask me why in the comment if you are interested*.


- Reads damaged discs very well* I take very good care of my CD's and Game Discs, but my friends do not!*


- Keeps my music stored safely and plays supported data with out a hitch.


- Makes me feel humble that my Xbox 360 is not the latest and greatest. *use to have an Eliet and none of my friends did,some of themwere soooo jellous.*


- Very comfortable controller.


- Guitar Hero feels great to play on it. *Every console's version of Guitar Hero and Rock Band plays different*


- The best damn online community money could offer, when I get the chance to use XBL. *Bong716 is my XBL profile, add me!*


- Paid less money for all of my nine of my Xbox 360's than my 4PS3's.


The Bad


- This is my 9th Xbox 360, It is rediclous how many I have had to replace, where with the PS3 I have only had 4, only one of them broke, 2 I own and the other I traded for my 80gb.


- Lost all my DLC when my old Xbox 360 died*I will getmost of it back, besides the sweet custom Halo 3 maps I downloaded, but It will take hours to download it all again*.


- Not under coverage so I have to buy a brand new Arcade that Is under coverage so I can safely do the license transfer *you can only do one per year* So that will bring up the grand total of Xbox 360 consoles up to ten! WTF!


- I cannot think of any more good or bad things about either console. Here is my take on the console wars between Xbox and Playstation 3. The Wii is nothing that I am intrested in so I will just leave that subject to others to discuss. I wouldn't consider myself a fan boy. I use both consoles for different purposes and I love and hate them for it. Thank you for reading, feel free to comment.

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  • Cant believe how many times you replaced the 360 and PS3? If there was someone else instead of you, they could have end up ripping their hair and some extreme people may even commit suicide (dont take it seriously coz i made that up). I am using my 360 for a 3 years and that is the only console I am using. Although I had RROD once, but MS was very swift and effective to repair the console and deliver the console back to me along with a free Live Card!!!

    Posted May 27, 2010

  • @Koshai

    Honestly I think I have just had bad luck with my Xbox 360's. Thankfully about 4 of those all happended with in a monts time of each other, so I didn't have to spend a dime on them. All in all I have paid for about 3 consoles.

    But your lucky! Having the same console for 3 years and only getting RRoD'd once. Thats pretty cool :)

    Posted May 27, 2010

  • This is awesome blog mate. Congrats for your first featured :D You MUST visit the System War board at the forum :D I loled hard when you said it was your 9th 360.

    Posted May 27, 2010

  • Nice way to write a comparison blog. You've said you love your PS3 and hate it at the same time. Some very complicated relationship you have with it :lol

    Posted May 28, 2010

  • You sir are very organzied in this blog and i do agree you what you said about the 360s arcade mine was one of the first made and its never failed me except with reading scrath disc*curses why wont you load Guardin i need to Pwn some randoms*.  But with the Ps3 i agree mine is really loud and hot so i fear it.*P.S My gamer tag is KillingDraken add me*

    Posted May 28, 2010

  • wow.. how many years since you got your very first PS3/X360? Just curious as I've had both for around 2 years and none of them broke yet or have shown any kind of weakness (PS3 80GB that came with MGS4, hence emulated PS2 and Elite X360). Guess it's true when you say you had bad luck with the X360 lol, but then again I must say, being a QA tester for well over 2 years, I've seen way too many X360 systems break compared to PS3. (keep in mind that these aren't ordinary home consoles either)

    I do have another question.. since you've had many 360's, is the Arcade more quiet than the other models? Every X360 I've seen so far sounds like an airplane when reading the DVDs (as loud if not louder than when my PS3 has it's fans full speed, which rarely happens), so I install them directly on the HDD instead, then it's as quiet as my PS3, which means super quiet. I really like that HDD installing feature since it makes it quiet all the time since you never have to worry about the fans going crazy on you lol.

    I like and own both, although my personal choice is the PS3, but having both is never a bad thing (otherwise I couldn't play Dishwasher and Shadow Complex!). They both have their ups and downs. Definitely a great article this is, and it was a great read to finally see reasons for your opinion rather than the usual flame wars we  can see regarding the gaming industry.

    Posted May 28, 2010

  • @FetusZero- I have had my Xbox 360 since 2008 or so, I started out with a used Pro with no HDD, and I bought a 120gb HDD the same day. and I bought my first PS3 last year. So I didn't hop on the 7th gen as soon as it came out, it took a car accident and settlement check to do it. But I'll never look back.

    Posted May 29, 2010

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