Well Its my Birthday today till now i am having fun as i am treated as a king :P but that won't last for long as i have a physics exam on monday as the final exams started reall early this year , man it sucks ...

SO how is everyone ??? sorry my activity level is dropping but exams will always be exams !!

I finished POP Not me atleast but my bro! and i am very much addicted to Red Dead redemption as its one of the best game i have seen rockstar make so far! (GTA Hater :P )

@Tanya this isn't the blog i was talking about , but when i made the previouse blog i forgat that my B-day is coming!! u have to wait till the end of the exams for that one :D ;)

Thank you for reading

comments powered by Disqus

  • Happy Birthday kid. Now where's our cake?

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • Happy birthday and birthays are always fun even when your old like me.:P

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • Wishing you again bro. Happy birthday to you :) I wish you do very well in the finals. I'm glad that mines are over :P

    POP was nothing special. Just the graphics was good imo. I can't wait for RDR to arrive in PC. Which is very unlikely though.

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • Happy birthday! Not too far away from mine, June 1.

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • happy birthday!


    Posted May 22, 2010

  • Happy birthday, man.

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • Happy birthday dear one :) Not a problem about the blog. I can wait for another one. Consider it as your birthday gift from me. hihi

    Posted May 23, 2010

  • Hope you had a great birthday, all the best :)

    Posted May 23, 2010

  • All hail GTA haters! Happy belated birthday ;p

    Posted May 23, 2010

  • @Darksider: Am I late? I guess!! Well let me wish you. Belated haffy birthday!! Oh yes! Here you go:

    Posted May 23, 2010

  • Happy late birthday! Hope it was a good one. :) I can't wait to start Red Dead Redemption myself since I have it here at the house, I am hoping to finish RE 5 tonight so I can get going on Red Dead Redemption. RE 5 is a long game though so it has seemed like it has taken me forever just to get to where I am on it with the limited time I have had lately. I can't wait to get going on RDR though, I've been looking forward to this game for a long time!

    Posted May 25, 2010

  • @biZZY












    Thanks a lot everyone , and sorry bruno we are all out of cake ... i am sorry! please forgive!

    Posted May 25, 2010

  • The cake is a lie!

    Posted May 25, 2010

  • How will you treat us in exchange of cake?

    Posted May 26, 2010

  • How well your day went? Was there any special gift from anyone?

    Posted May 28, 2010

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