You must be wondering!

By Tanya, Posted 21 May 2010

That why am I not very active? And, to answer you all..


I’m in a vacation to my grandma’s place. I come to see my grandma whenever I find time. It’s summer here and rainy season is starting. This is my most favorite season. Yesterday it rained heavily here. I played soccer during the rain with the kids and now I’m having this stupid cold. But it was fun playing on the rain. I scored a goal too :D


And, it’s really nice to see NoobFeed is ever so active these days. Thanks to everyone who are helping and making the site look good. David, Moroes, Horgen, Bruno, c_rake, Sleven, biZZy, Yaoi, Nikky, FetusZero, AC55, Koshai, canana, both the Davids(ick and Gabriel), stich321 and everyone else have been amazingly active. Thank you very much. Besides being active try to bring your friends join us too. It’s not very far away that NoobFeed will become a well recognized site all over the world :)


I'm sorry at the same time, if I haven't been posting comments in your blog. Posting comment is something I rarely miss as I'm the top comment poster here. So, not worries, I'll catch up.


And, at the end this blog, I have a photo to share :)


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  • Nice picture.  Is that her house?


    Have a nice vacation!

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • Yeah the activity has been on the higher side for the last few days.

    Nice photo share. The place looks amazing! Enjoy your time there with your grandma :)

    Oh thanks for the mention & get well soon. Don't worry about commenting, let me catch you up :P

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • I was asking myself that question as well, but now I have the answer. Glad to hear that you are having a wonderful time, despite the small cold, but I am sure that you get better soon.

    Thanks for the mention as well, It's always a pleasure to help this site grow. I have many plans for the site and I hope that I can do them all.

    I am having a hard time to find out where you are in that picture because all the girls there are very pretty, but there is one that seems prettier to me. Can I send you a PM with the one I think that is you?

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • @bigbadsad : Thanks :) It's my cousins place in Vienna.

    @biZZy : Thanks. How are you enjoying your new duties :)

    @canana : I thought you'd be the first one to find me there. hihi. The girl in the middle is my cousin Tia and the girls beside her are her friends, except me. And, the girl at the back is her maid. Can you find me now?

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • Welcome. Till now there's nothing new to tell you :)

    lol canana must have missed the only genuine Bangladeshi face there :P Why does your cousin look like Iranian?

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • I hope you enjoy(ed?) yourself at your grandma's place. Love the photo; the girls and the place look very beautiful. :3

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • I've never realized you weren't active :P Nice photo. I've been staring at the girl in the middle for while now :P The place looks beautiful too. Congrats for scoring a goal :P

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • OMG! it's you! and... OTHER PEOPLE!

    and... I CAN'T FIND YOU! ;(

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • Nice pic Tanya, glad your having fun!

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • Aha!!! Nice picture you got there. Seems like your cousin is living like heaven. Quite understandable since we all do take vacations. Even I am having hard time commenting on other blogs soon since my dad and my sister arrived here in US for my graduation. Playing soccer during the rain is an awesome feeling even though you catch cold. Have fun there!!

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • Oooh vacation, eh? It's the perfect time to do so :)


    Hehe, nice pic. Looks like one happy family :)  Glad you're having a great time, and get well soon! :)

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • I hope you're enjoying your time there and thank you for the mention as well. Those are some lovely ladies in that picture as well, looking good as always! Hope to see you around more soon.

    Posted May 21, 2010

  • Thanks, and thanks to you ;p Great picture you have there, looks like a nice place to be. Hopefully you'll be back soon enough to comment like you never before! But do not be in a hurry, spending some good time on vacation is always important :]

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • Nice to know about your experiences. Now take raw tea with ginger and clove. It will heal your cold. Nice pics. Take care.

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • @biZZy : Strange because you say that because my aunt is Iranian :o

    @Yaoi : Thanks. I still am enjoying btw :D

    @Sleven : hihi Don't stare for too long. She'll hurt your eyes :P

    @BrunoBRS : I knew you were going to say that :lol

    @-Moroes- : Thanks :)

    @Koshai : That's is so nice. I wish I had an elder brother and I could go to his graduation ceremony too. hihi. Have fun and see you soon :)

    @azn_pride : Rightly said. It is the perfect time :D

    @David_D : I'm always around David. Even if I'm not posting much in the forum :)

    @FetusZero : I can miss taking my dinner for a whole year but not my vacations :D

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • Have a great time in your vacation, Tanya! And don't let your cold ruin the mood!

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • Even if ur not active Tanya ur still considerd active , as ur a great addition to NoobFeed!! as for me i got exams thats why!

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • Well she looks like pretty much Irani (lol not dress up of course). oh and did I forget to say that I like Iranian girls most :P

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • Is that you on the far right?

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • I can't help myself :P

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • stop laughing! i still can't find you! ;(

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • I like the plants surrounding the house.  Reminds me of my home back in Oklahoma when people had backyards.:P

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • Vacations! I love vactations! Have a good time.

    Posted May 23, 2010

  • @farzana : Thank you. Already taken that tea :lol

    @Daktary : I won't :D

    @Darksider : Thank you. I'm proud to be a part of it too :)

    @biZZy : She was here in Dhaka last summer. You could meet her if you wanted :P

    @King : If you are sitting with us then yes.

    @Sleven : lol. I won't be responsible if you lose your eyes :P

    @BrunoBRS : There are many clues in this 24 comments. You should be able to find me now :P

    @Dexrupt : For you I'll post another photo of our backyard. Let me go back to my place :)

    @WillX47 : Thanks :)

    Posted May 23, 2010

  • you're so MEAN! ;(

    Posted May 23, 2010

  • Good to see you around Tanya :) The pic is very nice and I'm very happy to hear you 're playin' football in the rain :)

    Posted May 23, 2010

  • @BrunoBRS : Aright Aright. I'm at the far left wearing shades :)

    @ILIAS : Thanks :) 

    Posted May 24, 2010

  • I didn't even know you last summer, did I? :S So how come you expected me to know about your cousin? Whatever you're excused for this time! Don't forget to tell me next time she pays a visit to BD. Friendly warning :P

    Posted May 24, 2010

  • following your tips, i'd never find you :P

    Posted May 24, 2010

  • The house and girls are beautiful. I hope you get well soon and continue to enjoy your vacation.

    Posted May 26, 2010

  • @biZZy : Next year if I don't visit her, she will. I will keep your words in mind :P

    @BrunoBRS : No way :o You tell me who is the girl at your left wearing shades?

    @Arctic : Thanks :) How's your summer going?

    Posted May 29, 2010

  • Hopefully I'll be staying here in Dhaka next summer :S

    Posted May 29, 2010

  • Well , I'm guessing you're in the ~center~ of that photo? I actually WAS wondering where you had disappeared to, yes! I'm quite honored to be mentioned in your post as 'active'.I assume you are in the Southern Hemisphere of our planet, if it's summer and all. The funny thing is, the house really looks North American. Tell grandma I said 'Hi"! (Need to improve crappy image of what Americans are like)

    Posted May 29, 2010

  • @biZZy : Why, are you going anywhere?


    @stitch321 : I'm at the far left and it was in Vienna. Two wrong guesses. lol. But right about the summer part. hihi. This is an old picture. How have you been btw? You stopped sending PM and I thought you took a break. Btw, I failed badly to convince my mom to sign up here. hihi

    Posted May 30, 2010

  • Hello again: We have searing hot weather here in Cleveland for our Memorial Day holiday weekend.... 31C when often it is as cold as 18C for this time of year.

     Vienna is often voted one of the world's most livable cities. I could probably 'fake' belonging there, since I'm half Polish!

     I 'm sorry you couldn't talk your mom into joining Noobfeed.The web can be a fun generation-gap closer.

     I looked up Dhaka on Wiki; man, 13 MILLION people! It makes 2 million Cleveland look like such a loser! I notice alot of American and British corporations have HQs there, so that's good... It would be so awkward if the US was attacking your country while we were chatting online!

     The US has a great tolerance for many religions and I get so mad when the media portrays us as bullies.The only unacceptable faith is a radical muslim sect or two that believes they should kill those who don't convert to thier beliefs.


    Posted May 30, 2010

  • @stitch321 : You are absolutely right. Vienna is one of the most wonderful cities I've ever visited. I push my dad every year so that we can visit my cousins there. But his rules are simple. See the world not just one country. In that case, my cousin is very lucky. I too met few Polish people there. They are very nice to visitors :)

    I loled hard about the population. We are one of the most fast growing countries after India and China. I guess girls here are most productive :P hihi. Yes, we do have lots of foreign companies. Since this country is filled with natural resources and of course the best resource 'people'.

    Posted May 31, 2010

  • @Tanya : Only He himself knows :S I don't want to but you never know...

    Posted Jun 01, 2010

  • Why do you always get so many comments and I don't

    Posted Jun 01, 2010

  • @Sleven: Tanya is just veryyy populair and apparently we're not

    EDIT: I went to your blog and you also have more than 20 comments on your last one, that's a good number too

    Nice picture and it looks like a great place

    Posted Jun 02, 2010

  • @biZZy : You are fresh graduate and jobs will be harder for you. Though I have no idea where you are working now.

    @Sleven : You have many comments too :) You can say that I'm just lucky :)

    @SvV_Ying : Thank you for those words. But I don't know whether I deserve such credit. I love this place and in return I expect to be loved :)

    Posted Jun 02, 2010

  • But I want comments like you do. Teach me how you do it :)

    @SvV_Ying : You are right. She is the most popular user here in NoobFeed :)

    Posted Jun 02, 2010

  • @Sleven : By studying your blogs, all I can suggest is to reply everyone comments in your blogs. Even if it's a small thanks :)

    Posted Jun 03, 2010

  • Sometime I feel really lazy. But this is a good tip. Thanks :)

    Posted Jun 03, 2010

  • @Sleven : Want to know the secret? Become a female. Either that or start making some risque blogs. :P

    Posted Jun 04, 2010

  • @King : hihihi. That is so not the right advice to give :P

    Posted Jun 06, 2010

  • @King : Too late for the idea. I can build a time machine and ask my parents to try different stuff  :lol

    Posted Jun 06, 2010

  • @Tanya : My summer was going good until I came down with a cold just recently.

    Posted Jun 10, 2010

  • @Arctic : Cold will go away soon. You're having a nice summer that's the best part :)

    Posted Jun 11, 2010

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