Got Alan Wake!

By Darksider, Posted 15 May 2010

two days ago , and finished it this morning ...

well i gota say the game's story is pretty amazing , the naration is unbelievable , its a freaking horror game that i don't think you need to play it alone at night , because the sound is pretty spooky by itself  so play it with somebody like me or play it in the morning lol .

There are two things i didn't like about first the gameplay gets repeatative in the end but the story will keep you going , second : the game is a bit short! anyway i reccomend this game to anyone!!!

i will be getting Red dead redemption and Prince of persia tonight!!! so i am gona be pretty bizzy :D!

but i won't enjoy it that much because my final exams are startting on tuesday! ;( man i hate studying . but what are you going to do :/ !!

and IN my next blog i am going to tell you guys something important ..

will tada  for now

comments powered by Disqus

  • oh what how come did you get Alan Wake? I am waiting for this game to get released on 18th in US. And you finished in 2 days. impressive.

    Study comes first coz priorities comes first!! Keep your studies going smooth.

    What something important??? hmmm............!!!!!!

    Posted May 15, 2010

  • Ahh I have been waiting for Alan Wake for awhile.  I will get it when it drops in price.

    Posted May 15, 2010

  • Is it as good, better or not than games like Silent Hill (1 to 3), Penumbra, etc. I'd like to get a small comparison to other games if you don't mind :] The trailers didn't catch my interests at all, but who knows, these can sometimes be misleading.

    Posted May 15, 2010

  • You will enjoy Prince of Persia. I loved it even though it too was a bit repetitive.

    Looking forward to your next blog :D

    Posted May 16, 2010

  • @Koshai i don't know but we just get them early here Sometimes ofcourse , and i think we got it early because in europe it was out in may 14 :D and thanks

    yeah i know :)

    will u will find out in my next blog! :D

    @-Moroes- yeah you totally should , it gets to ur mind man , u go crazy with alan wake! lol

    @FetusZero i am sorry to say i never ever in my life played any horror game except fear! but i gota tell you this game is worth every Cent , its a phsycological thriller :D but don't worry i will ask my friends they played silent hill games and such and i will get back to you :]

    @Tanya u already got ?? that was fast!

    i gotta worn you Borna the blog isn't something u want to be excited about! :(

    Posted May 16, 2010

  • Most of the games these days are repetitive just to make the gameplay longer. Red Dead Redemption should be an awesome game to play :D

    Posted May 16, 2010

  • @Sleven  iam playing it now with POP they are both amazing

    Posted May 17, 2010

  • I've played POP. Wasn't fully satisfied with the game, except the graphics and puzzles. The game itself was very repetitive.

    Posted May 17, 2010

  • I am back in gaming mode myself, I won't be playing Alan Wake since they were mean and only released it on the X360 but I did pick up Red Dead Redemption (Which is why I am going to be focusing on gaming more since I still have a few games to play before I can even get to that). Both Prince of Persia games are on my to buy list in the near future as well since a coworker sold me on the games by describing them to me. Happy gaming, and see you around. :)

    Posted May 20, 2010

  • @Sleven yeah its really repetative , but its POP :)

    @David_D so hows Red Dead Redemption so far? for me i am addicted to it!! :D

    Posted May 22, 2010

  • That's they only reason I've played it. But it's misuse of the fame to be honest.

    Posted May 22, 2010

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