Why you don't see me on much.

By randall, Posted 08 May 2010

I would love to be on more wile the forum's activity is hustling and bustling, but I have to share my internet with my dedicated home phone line, so I don't often get to use the internet before 9 pm my time. With in the next couple of months my internet will be upgraded to satellite, so I won't have any restrictions on when I can use the net, so I will be on alot more :)

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  • You've been very active right from the word go! I don't even know anyone who picked "Contributor" emblem that quick

    Posted May 08, 2010

  • 9PM in USA is 9AM here, and I’m on my way to college during this hour. I’m online using my sellphone when I’m in college, so I can’t be very active in the forum. But, you’ll usually find many others always lurking in different boards ;)

    Congrats for unlocking your very first emblem :)

    Posted May 08, 2010

  • @Tanya- Thank you :) I would probably search the boards on my Cell too but If I went online with my phone my bill would jump insanely. :(

    @biZZy-Haha really? I was just having fun :) NF is pretty upgraded.

    Posted May 08, 2010

  • I'm usually online from this hours. It's 10.30 am in USA and 22.30 pm in Singapore. Rest you can calculate :P This is when my brother gives me the internet connection. Though sometime he keeps for even long. So, I'm online for next 4-5 hours based on forum activity. It's highly unlikely that I'll see you online. So, I hope you get your satellite connection soon :D

    Posted May 08, 2010

  • Have fun! Unlock levels & emblems. Please put as space in between username & hyphen, nor it doesn't send any notification to us. Thanks.

    Posted May 08, 2010

  • Nice work on getting the contributor emblem so fast. :) I can't wait to see you around the boards more, keep up the great work and see you around one of these nights when I don't have to work so early! :)

    Posted May 09, 2010

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