

a) you've got writer's block

b) your writing is being read by more than just your mum

c) your starting off on a new website, and trying to find out how it works



As you might have guessed...it's not going too well. Hopefully I'll have something up by the end of tonight!

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  • Hey, don't worry, you'll be fine! There is no rush! :)

    Posted Apr 12, 2010

  • That's right, there's no rush. You would come with something eventually. :)

    Posted Apr 12, 2010

  • No problem mate :) Take your time.

    Posted Apr 12, 2010

  • Feel free to ask anything you need tyzwain. We'll help you get familiar with the site. I suggest you take a look at this thread.

    Posted Apr 12, 2010

  • Yes yes we all can wait for your awesomeness!!!!

    Posted Apr 12, 2010

  • Welcome to the world of professional writing. You'll get the hang of it (and get over that writer's block of yours) soon enough. Just don't let the job stress you out, that will only cause you to get writer's block more often.

    Posted Apr 12, 2010

  • Take your time man!

    Posted Apr 13, 2010

  • Welcome to NoobFeed :)

    Posted Apr 13, 2010

  • Thanks guys....life's a bit hectic at the moment...will be doing something by the end of the week :)

    Posted Apr 14, 2010

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