Sorry To Ya'll

By VeKayElSee, Posted 08 Apr 2010

Heeey, how's it goin everyone here at noobfeed? Long time no speak eh.

I just wanted to say sorry for not posting or being active at all here on noobfeed but there was too much happening here so i didn't really have time for video games or these sites or anything like that, I won't go into detail about whats happened but I'm going to try and be more active around here from now on ;) And just to say thanks to the people who sent messages to me while I was away asking where I was and that, cheers peoples :)

So off to the forum I go :)

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  • Don't worry about it, offline life always comes before online. But it's great to have you back, the forums have gotten a lot more active since you've been around.

    Posted Apr 09, 2010

  • Good to have you back.

    Posted Apr 09, 2010

  • I was really wondering where you were :O Now good to have ya back :D

    Posted Apr 09, 2010

  • No need to be sorry. We all have another life to take care. But I very much glad to have you back. You've arrived just at the prefect time :D How's your spring break going?

    Posted Apr 09, 2010

  • Welcome back mate :D Our Posting Board missed you a lot. I bet specially AC55 did too.

    Posted Apr 09, 2010

  • Thanks people :) Knew you would understand, unfortuantly though, I may still not be as active as I used to but I'm still gonna try to post as much as possible.

    Posted Apr 13, 2010

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