By Thresolder, Posted 14 Feb 2010
Hello people of the noobfeed & 2 my dearest friends. As usual, very busy wid my studies so couldn't buy time 4 blogging. Nway, 2day is a special day & i wanna wish every1 a very happy valentine's day! Itz a day of full of happiness 4 the couples & a day of full of sorrows & miseries 4 the singles lyk me! :-P U guyz cant realize how I'm going through today! :'( Itz very penetrating when u dont have any lyf partner wid u! But still i'm praying 2 god as i do in every valentines day that may i get my sweet lady ASAP!!! As it is a day of luv so i'm going 2 share a SMS text frm 1 of my ancient archieves! Here's the text : Without Love -- days are sad day, moan day, tears day, waste day, thirst day, fright day, shatter day. So be in love everyday...Wish you a Happy Valentine's Day.
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  • Happy Valentines day :)

    Posted Feb 14, 2010
  • You arent the only one mate. My stories are similar as yours :( Though I dont pray for any girl. I just hope someone else doing all the prayers to find me :D
    Posted Feb 14, 2010
  • @bizzy, tnx bro!
    @sleven, wy? Do grlz lyk u? :D
    Posted Feb 14, 2010
  • Dont worry. Someone somewhere is waiting for you. She is just waiting for God's permission ;) Happy valentines day :)
    Posted Feb 14, 2010

  • @Thresolder : welcome :)

    @Sleven : High Five :D

    Posted Feb 14, 2010
  • @sitizel, thts very sweet of u mate! Tnx nway! Btw, r u a lady? :D
    Posted Feb 14, 2010

  • Haffy Valentines Day!!! Have patience and time will come.

    @Sleven : more high five!!!!

    Posted Feb 14, 2010
  • @kosai, this patience is killing me! :'(
    Posted Feb 14, 2010
  • They do I suppose. I'm good looking after all :D
    Posted Feb 14, 2010
  • @sleven, :D
    Posted Feb 15, 2010
  • @sleven, :-D
    Posted Feb 15, 2010

  • Lolz :) Isn't it good that you will celebrate your love every day after you find her. On a serious note :) I totally agree with Siti. Feeling like she said what i wanted to say :)

    Posted Feb 15, 2010
  • @farzana, those days will be lyk heavens!
    Posted Feb 15, 2010

  • Don't rush for a gf like most of the BD boys. Take your time to find just the right person for you ;) I hope you had a great day yesterday :)

    Posted Feb 15, 2010
  • @tanya, 'gr8 day'? Huh! Gud joke! :-P
    Posted Feb 15, 2010

  • come on there are so many ways you can spend lovely time in this particular day.

    Posted Feb 15, 2010

  • I waited for a call from my beloved one for whole day :(

    Posted Feb 16, 2010

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