Hey everyone, neo here. I know i have been gone for quite sometime, and I've been extremly inactive for the past few months because of several technical difficulites, but overall. The issues are resolved, and im pretty much gonna be active on noobfeed and on gamespot. I wonder how this site have been ever since I left...anways I hope to see great blogs running up, and ill be sure to comment no matter how short, or long it is. Overall, I am back, an d it's great to be back again.


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  • heya, welcome back to noobfeed :D

    Posted Dec 26, 2009
  • Thanks Bruno. I have alot of catching up too do. Man your blog was pretty sweet man.

    Posted Dec 26, 2009
  • Welcome back Neo :) I never thought that I'd see you again. You were like gone for ages.

    How have you been btw? And, tell us what's new in your life.

    Posted Dec 26, 2009
  • Welcome back. :) What were these difficulties?

    Posted Dec 26, 2009
  • I'm waiting for your top 10 Anime blog :D

    Posted Dec 26, 2009
  • Welcome back mate :D It's damn good to see you here :D :D

    Posted Dec 26, 2009
  • @Tanya: I was gone because of technical difficulites, and it's mainly because of lack of internet, plus other things as well.

    @@Din5193: Pretty much my internet, and the lack of activity, such as photoshop, etc. I haev managed to fix the issues, and have been inactive for 4 months. But im back overall.

    @Xiao: Lol Ill probably post it today, ifnot tomarrow. Either one of those days, I will mos tlikley do that.

    @Sleven: It's good to be back. I'm damn happy to be back


    @everyone: Thanks everyone. It's good to be back again. Now its my turn to update this entire profile..

    Posted Dec 26, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Good to see you back Neo :)

    Posted Dec 27, 2009
  • Take you time. My one took me 3 days to compose.

    Posted Dec 27, 2009
  • Hoping to see you around mate :D I have much to learn from you ;)

    Posted Dec 27, 2009
  • welcome back! are you lost again ?

    Posted Jan 01, 2010

  • welcome back dear :)

    Posted Mar 08, 2010

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