Look who came crawling back

By Thresolder, Posted 27 Nov 2009


Aaahhh!!! Finally peace at last. After a long, devastating, killing & specially ****** exams I'm now free at last. I tried to come earlier in noobfeed but I couldn't buy some time. So today I'm writing this blog. 1st of all I would like to say to my friends that thanx for waiting & sorry for the waiting! Naturally this month I was mostly busy in study. But I manage to complete 3 games!!! Laughing 

But I liked the True Crime:New York City most. I think it's a great game as a game of 2006.

I also watched some movies. But mostly I liked G. I. Joe & The Half Blood Prince.

I found that G. I. Joe & Transformers 2 were made in the same studio. So for me I would say G. I. Joe is much better than the other one. Cause Transformers 2 is all about organic robots & Joes are humans with extra ordinary gadgets. Besides, I'll give Tranformers 2 a minus point cause they made a mess with my favourite character, Jetfire. In animes Jetfire was a young autobot hero & in movie they totally screwed up with my hero. WTF!!!! Yell But this may be my 1st movie that I found non-stop action for almost 2 & half hours. 

My next mission to CS 1.6 is to dominate & join the well known team & my personal favorite RV(Red Viperz). They put a good impression in the last WCG. It'll be a honor to join their team. Please friends, pray for my success.

That's all for today. Keep gaming & enjoy.

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  • Welcome back Sin :D Glad to hear that your exams are over and you are off for more gaming actions :) I've watched both the movies too. I'd say G. I Joe could've been even better. Waiting for the sequel to arrive.

    Good luck with the CS gaming and say hello to all your team mates :)

    Posted Nov 27, 2009
  • Thanx mate & I'll. Smile

    Posted Nov 27, 2009
  • What are the three games you've played? Haven't seen the Harry Potter movie yet. I've heard that Dumbledore dies in this movie. I was kinda shocked to hear. He has played the coolest role in this movie.

    Posted Nov 27, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Hei Sin. Good to have you back on board :) Exams are always painful and it's great that you got over them. Haven't really had enough time for movies in last few months. You know! Work. Sucks!

    Good luck with CS journey. Are you guys participating at this year WCG? What is your team's stand this year? I might come to visit you guys on practice someday :)

    Posted Nov 28, 2009

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