Presented by the squadron commander this morning , he came by my place , i received my wings badge , and my service medal.... now ... in the air cadets its a big honour , tomorow im getting them awarded in front of the whole squadron and im also getting : my own marble plaque recognizing my services .. still i wish i had my xbox so that i can play cod 6 right now ... xD

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  • avatar RON

    Congrats mate. Ask any Xbox holder and he'll give away his rig for that medal you've achieved :)

    Posted Nov 15, 2009
  • Well done :) Pics please :D

    Posted Nov 15, 2009
  • congratZ, great achievement!

    Posted Nov 15, 2009
  • @Yianis : Later right now im just happy i gots it

    Posted Nov 15, 2009
  • Many many congrats..Laughing

    Posted Nov 15, 2009
  • Congrats daxter, awaiting for those pics as well :D

    Posted Nov 15, 2009
  • congrats :D

    and you'll have your chance to play modern warfare 2, dont worry :P

    Posted Nov 16, 2009
  • congratz mate my brother used to be in cadets.

    Posted Nov 16, 2009
  • Many congrats Daxter :D

    Posted Nov 16, 2009
  • That's awesome. Congrats mate :)

    Posted Nov 16, 2009

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