Lucky Bugger!

By kelaidis, Posted 11 Oct 2009

Everybody has entered a lucky draw at least once in their life right? But how many times have you actually won something, and if you won how big was that something? Well yesterday I took part in a 99km cycling funride with a lucky draw afterwards, and I happened to the the lucky bugger walking away with the grand prize, a 2009 Schwinn Peleton Comp worth $1999.99!


Heres a pic.



For a close up view go to this page, wait untill it loads completely and hold your mouse over the part you want to enlarge.

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  • When I was a kid, I can pretty much say that I was THE bugger. I remember going to random ceremonies with my parent and wherever there was a lucky draw, they made me pick the number :) Congrats on the bicycle mate, happy riding :)

    Posted Oct 11, 2009
  • You won a 360 few months back and now this ride! You are having a very lucky year :) I won a game FEAR2 last week in a quiz contest and that's pretty much the history of my luckiness :D

    Posted Oct 11, 2009
  • good to get that cycle.

    & for me, i'd say my luck hates me!

    Posted Oct 11, 2009
  • Oh! I just remembered that it was EliteEdge who won the 360. Well, many congrats for winning the ride. And, now I also remember that you do cycle racing. So, you must be very happy about it :)

    Posted Oct 11, 2009
  • @ biZZy: LOL

    @ Tanya: I am!

    Posted Oct 11, 2009
  • @ kelaidis : Don't laugh at other's bad

    Posted Oct 11, 2009
  • whoa, awesome nice job

    Posted Oct 11, 2009
  • Ooh, very nice! Though I can't see any bike as being worth $2000. :P

    Posted Oct 11, 2009
  • avatar RON

    That's an awesome bike mate. Congrats :)

    Posted Oct 11, 2009
  • That's a cool looking bike. :)

    Posted Oct 11, 2009
  • Where is the speed meter in your bike? Or you have to set that manually later?

    Posted Oct 12, 2009
  • @ Tanya: I have my own that I'll use for the bike.

    Posted Oct 12, 2009
  • I'm curious to know how it feels riding a racing bike. I've never done that in my life. The bike I used to ride when I was a kid was pretty much what you can guess.

    Posted Oct 13, 2009
  • @ Tanya: If your not used to riding one it migh feel uncomfortable at first because of the smaller saddle and lower handle bars.

    Posted Oct 13, 2009
  • Yea, the seat looks lot higher than the usual bikes and the tires look really thin.

    Posted Oct 15, 2009
  • You lucky bugger :D

    Posted Nov 02, 2009
  • Lucky you
    Posted Dec 02, 2009

  • @kelaidis i did not notice this blog :O my luck is same as biZZy... congrts..... u still using the bike???

    Posted Mar 27, 2010

  • @farzana: Yea, its very nice!

    Posted Apr 02, 2010

  • @farzana : This is because, the blog is written way before you joined :P Why does your luck hate you ?

    Posted Apr 02, 2010

  • @kelaidis Thats great news.

    @biZZy Because i don't care my luck :P i care what i wish for and i do always follow my heart :)

    Posted Apr 03, 2010

  • @farzana : If you really don't care your luck then I'd say that's a pretty negative way of thinking :P You care your heart, that's okay :) But try believing in luck :)

    Posted Apr 03, 2010

  • @biZZy thank u :) dear

    Posted Apr 04, 2010

  • Well, i once won a softball at a  tournament drawing. My kid won a Gamespot hoodie once.

    Posted Dec 08, 2010

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