iPhone 3GS

By barri, Posted 16 Aug 2009

Yeah so I treated myself and bought the iPhone 3GS.


I have liked the iPhone since it came out but at the time I didnt have much cash and had a Samsung G600. What can I say? I am still getting usted to it but having the net in my pocket at all times is the best feacture. Fishdalf was showing me some great free applications such as Im+ lite allowing you to access any msn or yahoo account or the Shazam application that listens to a song and then tells you the name and artist how cool lol.There is one down fall I have noticed if I use it all day the battery life is not that good, viweing the percentage drop by the seconds isnt a good feeling. Please let me know of any other application that you think are good and free of course :)

comments powered by Disqus
  • I'm not the best person in giving you advice about iPhones. Still, congrats for the purchase.

    Posted Aug 16, 2009
  • @ barri : well you can contact foresthump on this. he's one of the best for the purpose.

    & congratZ on getting the phone; iPhone is awesome

    Posted Aug 17, 2009
  • Great purchase :) And, now that you have net in your pocket all the time, we’ll surely see you often around here :P

    Posted Aug 17, 2009
  • Having the net where ever you go is really nice, but I find that surfing is the thing that drains the battery most.

    Posted Aug 17, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Another lad fall into the iPhone trap. lol. just kidding. This phone indeed comes with a lot of exceptional features.

    Posted Aug 17, 2009
  • Congrats BarriSmile.I guess fishdalf and foresthump can help you out on this.Tongue out

    Posted Aug 17, 2009
  • Nice purchase mate :D

    Posted Aug 23, 2009

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