Assassins Creed: Brotherhood

By Dan, Posted 30 Nov 2010

Assassins Creed Brotherhood

hey everyone its Caboose here with the 2nd part of my dual review week. if this seems a little rushed its because my grandmother was taken ill and rushed to hospital last night. if i've missed anything glarinly obvious PLEASE tell me and i'll correct it. questions comments and suggestions in the comments as always guys, so on with it....


Assassins Creed is a game set in our universe. However unlike our own world this world is run by the church. .. wait.. actually that part is kind of true however opposing these molevelent forces are a group known as the assassins.  Who attempt to thwart the Templars from finding mythical pieces of technology called the pieces of Eden.


The game is set around Desmond Miles mild mannered person who is kidnapped by a corporation and strapped into a machine which reads his thoughts and pretty much mind screws him.. ok so thats the dumbed down version. What actually happens is that he is put into a machine which reads the memories stored in his Genes of ancestors. Namely two so far Altair Ibn-La’Ahad and Ezio Auditore de Firenze, all of whom are identical for some strange reason. Im sure The Doctor could explain why. (Dr. Who nerd here sorry)


The story is more involved then that but needless to say its engrossing


Assassins Creed Brother Hood follows the exploits of Ezio Auditore post AC II, After getting his revenge he returns to His uncles villa in Tuscany. Returning with the Apple of Eden in hand which his uncle is taking care of. They are ambushed by Ceasre Borgia the son of Rodrigo Borga the Main villan in AC II.


The Apple is stolen, Mario is killed and Ezio loses all his equipment.  BLARG.


The Game mechanics are pretty much the same as before with a few new additions. The Crossbow and the smoke bombs. There are very few differences between this and AC 2 bar some new fight scene animations, and the execution technique where pressing x gives a one hit kill aspect to whomever your facing. Makes the game easier i hear you say. No not really, its surprisingly hard to do right all the time. You’ll get it once or twice. Then you’ll be hit by someone which will break the chain.


Visually its as good as the previous installments. Lavish countryside, bustling city streets and the interior of certain well known Itilian architecture. Its all very well presented and as i’ve said previously, with regard to sequels, when something isnt broken, dont fix it and the  visual aspect needs no fixing.


The game presents a new concept, Recruiting and training assassins. This aspect of the game will appeal to some and drive others away, its an EXP based leveling game. By sending your rectruits on verious missions they level up and then become assassins. Personally i thought this was a little drawn out. Missions giving you either very little exp and having a low difficulty rate or the polar opposite. What you can do is send more then one assassin recruit on a mission, it devides the EXP earned but its still good. “Why bother”i hear you ask. Well its simple, some missions require recruits to complete. And that brings me to the other aspect of this game i really enojoyed. The Calling in of Re Inforcements. You can order your assassins to take out guards in your way saving you time and effort when chasing someone or when trying to escape. Good mechanic.


All in all Assassins Creed Brotherhood is a competent installment of this series. Play it for the story line, but if you want the origionality go back and start from the begining, dont let this one be the 1st in the series you play. as a local radio personality here in ireland put it, "more of the same .. meh!"


Until next time my friends. This being a double Review week as you can see. And with the release schedule being rubbish for the time being, i will be reviewing some of my favourite games from past years. And from past consoles! Im thinking Ocarina of time!



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  • I still have to play this game. Thanks for the review.

    Posted Dec 01, 2010

  • Man the plot seems pretty interesting. Haven't played it yet though. You also forgot to give it a rating.

    Posted Dec 01, 2010
  • avatar Dan

    @ Sleven

    have i rated them before..

     i wasnt sure if i had. ok

    i would give it a 3 out of 5.

    Posted Dec 02, 2010

  • @PvtCaboose : i agree with your final words. You definitely need to play the earlier versions of the game before playing this. I am disappointed with one thing: the game is too short. The story is still a killer one and has a WTF ending.

    Posted Dec 04, 2010
  • avatar Dan

    @Amya: of course, thanks for commenting and reading i really appreciate it

    @ Koshai: well its set in one city and the bulk of the story is waiting to get the cash together to get Rome fixed up

    the missions and side missions are pretty cool though

    Posted Dec 05, 2010

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