Call Of Duty Black Ops

By Dan, Posted 12 Nov 2010

Hey again everyone,

Its Caboose back with another Review, god is it that time already?


So this week, I got my hands on Treyarch's latest endevor in the Call of Duty series.

Call of Duty Black Ops the follow up to Treyarch's last installment World at War and to be perfectly honest I was a little dissapointed. Actually make that a lot dissappointed. Personally I had a lot of reservations about this game before i even got my hands on it and as much as i hate to say it I was correct on all fronts.

Thats not to say that Call of Duty Black Ops is a bad game. It is an avarage shooter with a competent story line and decent multiplayer options, my main issue with this game is the Visual and some of the mechanics. so i'll start with the visual.

Way back when, Call of Duty 3 came out and it was the 1st Treyarch game id ever seen, having recently bought an Xbox 360 I purchased COD 2 and 3 together and even back then Treyarch's Graphics engine put shine on EVERTHING. I mean Literally Everything TV's guns helmets tables skin, they all have way to much shine on them, makes everything look fake and cartoonish and when i put it next to COD2 which was an Infinity Ward game, it paled in comparison, and that trend has continued up to this day.  Why they chose to use their own engine and not borrow the MW/MW2 engine is beyond me but it was a very bad move on their part. What really hurts is that this game had all the potential in the world to be epic and it falls short because it doesnt look as good as it possibly could have. Which in my opinion is an aweful shame. Although i wouldn't be shocked if I.F didnt allow Treyarch to use the engine. just saying..

What this game lacks in Realism it more then makes up for with its story line which has been comared to a non stop Micheal Bay movie and its worthy of that. the Plot is intricate and deep. involving and gritty. One im thoroughly enjoying playing through, Im not going to go into detail but its set in and around Vietnam and one mission back in WW2 but it really has the Modern Warfare feel to the plot. Treyarch really are brilliant with it comes to story line. WaW and COD 3 both had fantastic Storylines, Voice acting and level design. However what i have had issue with is the contact physics. example I shoot some NVA soldier in the chest. cleanly, yet this soldier acts like i havent hit him and unloads an entire clip into me. i have found this to be very very sluggish and buggy and it can be very very irratating when your about to finish a mission and it decided that you have to die even though you've headshotted your enemy at least a dozen times.

Another thing i really liked was the slo Mo head shot sequence. it follows the Bullet V.A.T.S style (thats Fallout universe speak for those who dont know, its Vault Assisted Targeting System) and its fun to watch(edit - There is no assisted targeting in this game, its just a slowmo animation following the bullets path). So over all COD BO is a competent shooter with an engaging story line which is poorly executed with buggy contact physics and less then acceptable Graphics. They are also starting to mimic I.F with regard to characters from previous games making guest appearences. To be fair though that brought a smile to my face. however it was wiped off soon after that. Trust me. you'll all see soon enough.

The Online multiplayer section where these games are really made and lost is as i've been told made for the novice. Players having access to the Scopes and whatnot very early on. Unfortunately im one of those players who will play through the campaign before i take it online. im weird like that. With that in mind what i will do is put up a short multiplayer review, kind of like what i did with Halo Reach very soon.

As always comments Feedback and questions in the comments section.

until next time


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  • It was a surprise when you said the game lacks in realism. I saw this same problem of soldiers not reacting as they haven't got shot in Just Cause 2. I need to play BO to see this in real. damn. VATS syle will make stuff easier but I like this feature.

    Posted Nov 12, 2010
  • avatar Dan

    no Sleven there is no VATS in this game, it will do this slow mo effect and folow the bullet thats all, you have to aim normally

    Posted Nov 12, 2010

  • I saw a couple of Slo-Mo sequences on some video review- they looked class.Again AI solders don't react to Enemies- or give you firing cover etc.

    when i saw the gameplay 1st it really did think it was like Cod MW2 - so looks like the shine is back.

    once again nice review-

    Posted Nov 12, 2010

  • The review has to wait. I'm just being cautious. Not reading any review on Black Ops before I play the game myself.

    Posted Nov 13, 2010

  • The only thing that will make me worth playing is the multiplayer and sadly i cant spend that much amount of time on multiplayers. When I heard it has a short 6 hour campaign I was like damn, I dont want to buy that game. I can save for something else.

    Posted Nov 13, 2010
  • avatar Dan

    @ CIan, Nice one!

    @ Amaya: yeah make up your own mind of course but ya know. its always a good indicator of how good a game is or isnt.

    @koshai: yeah i wouldnt blame you

    i dont even think the multiplayer will be that good either

    Posted Nov 14, 2010

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