Mass Effect 2 (PC)

By DeltaX, Posted 19 Feb 2010

So the famed sequel to Bioware's successful independent IP has finally been released! It's a great game in many ways and certainly improves upon its predecessor, but does it deliver or fall short?


Graphics: 9/10

The game looks superb. From the lush interiors of the Citadel to the barren cities of Luchanka, the game sparkles in every way possible. The film grain may be a turn off to some, but can easily be disabled in the Options menu. The character models also look great, as does the detail inside of the Normandy SR2, and well, just about everywhere. At the time of this review, however, no patch has been released yet, and my version has unusual lag issues which can mysteriously be resolved by AltTabbing back into the game whenever it lags, as well as being accompanied by interface flicker.


Gameplay: 10/10

Hey, it's a science fiction universe; there ought to be guns shooting! The combat is as fresh and crisp as ever (though, arguably, more like a shooter than it is an RPG), and tons of fun. The combat and weapons especially were given an extensive overhaul after complaints from the slow and clumsy system from the first game. Guns have now been given ammunition, there are multiple classes for guns (14 different types, including Heavy Weapons, which any class can wield), and Medigel is now used specifically for Unity (which resurrects your teammates), whereas in the first game, it was used to heal you and for Unity (the first game had a shield/health bar system).


Conversations with NPCs are also enjoyable to watch, though sticklers like me might wish that Shepard and company didn't stand in such incredibly stupid stances at times. Now, this time around, not only can you select Paragon and Renegade choices from the conversation menu, you can also activate twitch-based moves based upon which extreme it applies to; Renegade tends to be a loose-cannon-cop style, whilst Paragon is more of a goody-goody-two-shoes.


Random planet exploration from the first game (which was horrible), has now been replaced with a mineral mining system, which you use to gain minerals to buy upgrades for you, your squadmates, and your ship. The Mako from the first game has also been expunged in favor of the Kodiak shuttle, a lightweight hover transport that can take you to most places in the universe (it even has FTL drives!), but also means that most places you land at are scripted, small, and suited for walking around in.


Sound: 10/10

Bioware has always been one to put quality into its RPGs. Mass Effect 2 is no exception. With the likes of many talented actors lining up the cast (including Martin Sheen, who superbly plays his role as the Illusive Man), the player is immersed into a living, breathing world with believable characters. Guns sound much better this time around, making them sound like they have a kick to it instead of repeatedly cilcking a flashlight on and off. And in addition, the music in the game is great as well (main menu music seems to set the feel for the game quite well).


Story: 8/10

Yes, yes, you've heard all the commercials saying how it's "a suicide mission". Well, you're up against the Collectors, a bad-bug alien race that's been taking potshots at human colonies at the fringe of colonized space and pulling Houdinis with everyone in them.


Well, before it all happened, Shepard and his merry little crew run into the Collectors' ship, and tried to outrun it; the outcome is obvious:  it didn't work. So everybody panics, escape pods, usual spaceship emergency mess; you manage to save Joker shortly before you get spaced, and you turn into a nice little plate of planet-fried Shepard. The Systems Alliance writes you off for dead, breaks up the surviving Normandy crew, and everything is back to the same crap it was in the beginning of the first game. Great so far, right?


Well, Cerberus, a splinter pro-human faction that operates under the Alliance's nose, decides to have an order of fried Shepard and revives you through the Lazarus Project, an intensive medical-regeneration process that returns your body (and its pride and joy) to its former glory. Shortly after getting the wakeup call, you come under attack and you get sent on a mission to save the ungrateful universe... again.


All in all, the story is good, and should be enjoyed to its fullest. Do all the missions, grab all the upgrades, make your buddies happy, and you'll see a "happily ever after" instead of a "game over" for your Shepard.


tl;dr: Good graphics, good gameplay, good audio, good story, good game. Good, good, good, good, good. So go and buy it, or at the very least, rent it. I'm sure you'll like it.


Verdict: 9.3/10

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  • Excellent review. I've got my copy of this game and loving it. Didn't read the story part of your review. Don't want to ruin the fun. I'm just recruited the assassin.

    Posted Feb 19, 2010

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