Mirror's Edge

By Fusion, Posted 21 Feb 2009

We all have heard about the stunning new first person shooter, Mirror's Edge, but have gamers taken the risk in trying this parkour-based FPS? In this article I will review Mirror's Edge.

First off, some of you may think that this game is just a Prince of Persia type game with the difference being in it's FPS perspective. That's not entirely true at all. It is far from the truth to compare Prince of Persia with Mirror's Edge.


It seems they want to kill me...                       He should have left her alone

Since parkour plays a big part in the game, physics was the main principal for gameplay. The player gets involved in laws of gravity mainly.  You will realize that this game was focused mostly in gameplay such as run, jump, slide, leap, flip; but not in shoot-and-take-cover specialisation. Your aim is to avoid as much heat as possible. You will require to disarm recommended enemies followed by a small animation of you kicking the enemy's butt. If you try to take out more than two enemies you can consider yourself definitely out-numbered. It is hard enough to defeat one enemy with no weapons unless stolen from another enemy. Ammo is very limited, so holding guns might be your last thought. As stated before the game is far from 'shoot em' up' so running away is your best option. Luckily, the confusion of which way to go is solved by objects in red as an indicator for your quickest passage.


Graphics are of a good expected standard. The environment has that eco-friendly look to it. Detail is what the game lacks. Another issue is the colour of the environment. In every place you will enter the colours are very limited (for example the outer area consists of two main colours only such as orange and white), which, in my opinion, steps one pace back in realism. The cut scenes are produced well, although in 2D animation.

Something you don't see every day !



The background music fits perfect with the rhythm of running. I inspired alot the ability to hear Faith's breath. It gives a very strong natural aspect to it. What I like the most is the soundtrack theme of the game, Still alive by Lisa Miskovosky and all the other remixed versions. The wind acts great with the speed at which you're running.


In the story you'll have the eyes of Faith, a woman which is part of the team of 'runners' who deliver packages to others in an illegal way from the city's angle. Her sister, Kate, was framed for murder of Robert Pope, the mayor, and Faith immediately takes the case in her hands and finds something much worse prepared. The story's longetivity is of very low expectations (about 9 hours) when comapred to other FPS games. As for multiplayer options, you can compete in races and time trials and top your record in the leaderboards but you'll be alone while on track(unless the ghost is activated). But the game hasn't ended here yet. In February 2009 DLC consisting of new map packs will be available. They look truly packed with entertainment.

Score Ratings (Out of 10):

Gameplay: 8.5
Graphics: 8.5
Sound: 9
Story: 7.5
Overall: 8.5

If you are tired of the same old FPS games this should be a must-buy game for you and aspecially for fans and trainers of parkour. It will deliver a lot of new abilities to the FPS genre. This game looks perfect for another sequel.

Link for DLC : http://www.mirrorsedge.com/ls/en/index.asp#/downloads/


Hope you've enjoyed my first review of games which featured Mirror's Edge. See you in my next Review Laughing

Fusion - NoobFeed

comments powered by Disqus
  • I've heard good things about this game, can't believe I haven't played it yet :o

    Posted Jul 10, 2009
  • I've tried the demo once. I might get it.

    Posted Aug 09, 2009

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