Call Of Duty World at War

By ForestHump, Posted 14 Feb 2009

Lets start off with the basics. The game is good, not great but good.

Single Player

The single player features an american Marine and a Russian Infantry Sniper. You alternate every few levels between the two and both offer very differant settings. The storyline takes you from landings on Okinawa to the invasion of Berlin. The campaign is much inproved from COD4 and is a very enjoyable. The difficulty has also been ramped up.


The graphics are what you would expect from a sequal to an amazing looking game like COD4. The new efects are a great addition to the game. These include things like the flame, water and explosions. There is not a whole lot of improvement in the technical department of the game but the environments are a little differant. Expect to see many browns and greens.


It's good. I know jack shit about audio so im just going to leave it at that.


The gameplay takes the amazing gameplay of COD4 and.. no wait thats it. It is basicly COD4 in ww2., Now that is in no way a bad thing. There just isnt much addition. Shoot, dufuse a bomb, shoot.


The multiplayer is the same basic forumla from COD4 with some improvements. The vehicle perk slot has been added. Also the level cap is 65 + 10 levels of prestige. The classes are still there and you can unlock 5 additional slots, You get each one at various levels of Prestige. There has been a few game modes added, most of which are from COD3, the last Treyarch Developed COD. Maybe its just me, maybe not, i found the multiplayer to bore quickly. I think its the fact that old stuff has been done before, and modern stuff is cool.


It is a fun experience and a little more. I foujd it to be too repetative in the multiplayer and the single player on veteran is too hard to complete.


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  • I found the game to be rather mediocre , the campaign being saved by the russian half and the multiplayer being quite annoying . Nevertheless , quite a good review you have here :P

    Posted Jan 01, 1970
  • Why thank you

    Posted Apr 29, 2009
  • I still need to play it. :(

    Posted Aug 09, 2009

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