I can understand how pretty nerve-racking it must be to still not be able to access the Playstation Store even as I write this article. But at least Sony’s making some progress with their promise, right?


And it looks like they're doing well with that promise. Sony’s planning a “Welcome Back” program once the Playstation Store and the rest of Sony’s online services are back to normal. So far, they’ve been tight-lipped on what PS3 owners will actually when that happens. Good news is: They’re finally letting us know via Playstation Blog. And guess what? Free stuff.


Yes, Mr. Drake. Free.


But I imagine you already knew that. So what free swag are you guys going to get? You’ll get to download a total of four titles; two for the Playstation 3 and two for the Playstation Portable. The games they’re offering are a few years old, but I’d say it’s a quality list. Check it out:


Playstation 3:



Dead Nation

Wipeout HD + Fury

Super Stardust HD




Killzone Liberation

Pursuit Force

ModNation Racers


I've also heard that European PS3 owners will have a slightly different lineup, getting games swapped for Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty, Hustle Kings, and Buzz! Junior Jungle Party.


And that’s not all. In addition to these free games you’ll be getting, Sony is also offering 30 days of free Playstation Plus for all members. Current subscribers will simply get an additional 60 days more. The same applies for Music Unlimited (Qriocity) subscribers as well, and they’ll be getting 30 extra days. There will also be a selection of “On Us” movie rentals for a single weekend; those titles will be announced soon. Oh right, and those who use Playstation Home will get 100 free virtual items as well as a game.


I suspect that some of you already own inFamous and some of the other titles on the list, and probably don't own or don't care about the PSP. But hey, I ain’t complaining. Sony has been mum about the exact date on when the services will be back online, but we’ll try to keep you posted. Stay tuned.


David Gabriel, NoobFeed.

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  • INFAMUOS hell yea! not sure what else i want

    Posted May 17, 2011

  • I'm a bit disapointed with the games, but I might be getting Dead Nation. 

    Posted May 17, 2011

  • can i play any of those PSP games on my PS3?

    if i have more than one PSN account, do i get cumulative downloads? (say, two acounts = two PS3 downloads from each)

    Posted May 17, 2011

  • inFamous and LittleBigPlanet for me. :)

    Posted May 18, 2011

  • @BrunoBRS they may do it via IP address. so you'd only be allowed one set of them.

    Posted May 19, 2011

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