With E3 drawing closer, fans of Metro 2033 have something to look forward to. A sequel to the 2010 first person shooter by 4A Games will be revealed at the world famous gaming expo.

Even though barely anything is known about the game as of now, there's still some information to keep us busy until E3 is finally upon us. It is probable that, like the first game, 'Metro 2' will be based on the work of  author Dmitry Glukhovsky. His book 'Metro 2034' is the sequel to the science fiction novel on which the first game, Metro 2033, was based.


It is unlikely, however, that the second Metro game will also don the same name as its source of inspiration. Superannuation has discovered that THQ has registered several domain names that indicate the title of 4A's sophomore effort will be 'Metro: Last Light'.

Earlier, THQ executive Danny Bilson confirmed that the publisher will give the upcoming Metro game much more support in terms of funding and marketing, without Americanising it: "It's an original Russian* franchise. We don't want to mess with it and Americanize it."

The comment that Metro 2033 will be pushed to "compete with the Call of Dutys" seems a bit contradictory in this respect, seeing as that franchise is the archetype of American big budget shooters.

It will be curious to see if Metro 2 will indeed be called 'Last Light', and if it will be Americanised. We'll be sure to keep you updated.

Jesse Dolman
, NoobFeed.

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* 4A Games actually is from Ukraine, but okay.

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  • Already sounds awesome :D

    Posted Apr 16, 2011

  • Sweet! I'm in.

    Except for the whole "compete with the Call of Duty" thing. Stick with making a great campaign.

    Posted Apr 16, 2011

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