Time for nerds to cry their purist little hearts out. Hasbro announced today it will be taking its Transformers license and adding to the pile of decadence it’s been doing for years now. The toy giant will be teaming up with MMO developer Jagex to bring the popular franchise to massive online audience in 2012.  Jagex are the makers of the world’s leading MMO RuneScape, which has your twelve year old enthralled in its crude virtual world for a decade now.

NoobFeed News - Transformers MMO
More than meets the eye a.k.a too much awesome for one screen.

It’s obvious major corporations such as Hasbro only see numbers and content within that is superfluous, as Mark Blecher from Hasbro stated: “Hasbro’s decision to align with Jagex speaks to the quality of their award-winning development and publishing team that boasts an outstanding track record of delivering innovative and fun online games capable of reaching millions of gamers across the globe.” If they had played 5 minutes of RuneScape, they would’ve found out there’s hardly anything innovative or fun about repeatedly fishing for lobsters ad nauseum. Not that the major MMO is bad, far from it, but surely too basic to embody the big Transformers name.

NoobFeed News - Transformers MMO
These aren't Transformers; these are lies!

In any case, it can’t be worse than how the Transformers brand has been getting raped for years now with the Animated, Armada series and whatnot. The five people that know me personally know that Transformers is my favorite brand, so Hasbro and Jagex better bring their A-game. I suppose a free-to-play Transformers game will at least be worth a try, but it’s a fine line to honor the original and pulling a Michael Bay; except if you can play as Megan Fox, then I’m down.

Daavpuke, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

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  • now i have never been a die hard Transformers fan....but let me tell you, that this is going to make me cry in misery when it comes out. I have always enjoyed what little of the universe i know, and for an average joe i know quite a bit. Primus will turn infinite times in his slumber when this happens...Unicron will then proceed to devour us faster.

    Posted Mar 14, 2011


    Why do people think that they can keep screwing with transformers :( This is a disaster and I hope jagex is destroyed because of it. And kind of Hasbro just because I actually don't know anything that Hasbro does

    Posted Mar 15, 2011

  • lol this was just so funny to read. I personally hate the transformers

    Posted Mar 15, 2011

  • @Sleven Unicron will have your head for this!!! The Autobots and Decepticons would glady join forces just to make you suffer!!

    Posted Mar 15, 2011

  • @Dramus : It's a pleasure seeing such curses :P

    Posted Mar 15, 2011

  • lol you guys are funny xD and transformers seem to have just lost it.

    Posted Mar 19, 2011

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