Kojima waiting for TGS 2010

By King, Posted 19 Jun 2010

Hideo Kojima had announced once that he was currently working on a game that “gamers have been wanting for a long time”. With no clues, we were all left to wonder what this masterpiece could possibly be. When E3 came around, we were left wondering, is the Snake Eater remake for 3DS this huge project? Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely excited to get my hands on a remake for Nintendo's next handheld system, but I think we all would've expected something a little bigger, and well, more original.

But this wasn't the big surprise. Kojima has something still up his sleeve. Instead of being shown at E3, it is being held for the Tokyo Game Show in September. The official wording is that Kojima will announce a "massive  PS3 exclusive that will own the show" in Tokyo. If that doesn't have you excited for Fall, I don't know what will.

We don't have many details, and about as far as we can go is to say the game will be most likely published by Konami. We also have heard Hideo Kojima was intending to show the game at E3, but he “wanted to polish his demo until  September to ensure it's bulletproof". It also could possibly be because they didn't want to steal the show from some other Konami games, or overshadow the recent release of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

What could this game be? We have no idea, but coming from the legend, we can expect nothing but the best. Is it a new Metal Gear title? Zone of the Enders? Maybe a new IP? We'll see come September.

Logan Smithson, NoobFeed

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  • Policenauts! In English!

    Posted Jun 20, 2010

  • @Gallifrey : It's a possiblity, but I hope not :P

    Posted Jun 21, 2010

  • Not sure what will be there but I enjoy TGS more the E3.

    Posted Jun 24, 2010

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