E3 2010: New Zelda Confirmed

By fishdalf, Posted 16 Jun 2010

One of the highlights of Nintendo’s press conference was the announcement of a new Zelda title, although showcasing it wasn’t all plain sailing. Shigeru Miyamoto seemed to have problems with the games motion controls during the demonstration and blamed it on wireless interference in the audience. Thankfully it was playable on the show floor afterwards and seems to play just fine, so we’ll forgive him this time.

Graphically the game looks good, but not overly impressive when compared to games on other consoles. It seems to be visually similar to Twilight Princess, but with a slightly more realistic feel. What Nintendo does have nailed down though are the controls, and in a time where companies are going gaga for motion sensing technology this feels more natural than I’ve personally ever seen before, perhaps a little quicker at reacting to your real-time movements too.

Skyward Sword (awful name) is apparently entering the final stages of development and we should be able to get our hands on it early 2011.

You can watch the E3 trailer here.

Craig Bryan, NoobFeed

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  • *uses the power of bragging rights to say i already played it*

    Posted Jun 16, 2010

  • Zelda fans should be happy about this!

    Posted Jun 16, 2010

  • "Awful name"? Can we really have those opinions on a news story? I think it's a pretty nice name.

    And Bruno... any chance you can get me over there? :P

    Posted Jun 17, 2010

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