Goldeneye Remake a Reality?

By King, Posted 10 Jun 2010

Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64 surved as one of the landmark titles for the start of first-person shooting, and really was looked at as one of the best games of any genre at the time. Many gamers have yearned for the day that Goldeneye was released on the Wii's Virtual Console, but according to an Activision connection, both of Nintendo's systems will be seeing an even bigger project for the classic game.

It is said to be made from the ground up, taking advantage of the new technology, including graphics, controls, and physics. The remake is expected to be a “modernized” version of the original story, with the same exciting moments from the original. The new bond is to be played by Daniel Craig, the same actor from Casino Royale and Quantom of Solace. Along with bringing back the famous 4 player split-screen multiplayer, Goldeneye for the Wii will have 8 player online support.

At this point, it is just a rumor, but not completely unbelievable. Earlier in the year, Activision had been reported of registering a Goldeneye related domain name. Plus, they are the same publisher responsible for the remake of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Relfex on the Wii. If this is true, will a remade Goldeneye have anything more than nostalgia going for it? At least it won't be long before we get the full scoop. If Goldeneye is coming to the Nintendo DS and Wii, expect to hear some news during their E3 conference.

Logan Smithson, Noobfeed

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  • I enjoyed Goldeneye a great deal back in the day, and I once considered it as one of the greatest shooters I've played at the time.

    It won't be a surprise if it does end up in the Nintendo systems, but going multiplatform wouldn't hurt either.

    Posted Jun 10, 2010

  • Gamingwise, sounds like a good plan, but starring Daniel Craig? I mean it will show strange to my eyes since the original movie was released with Brosnan. Oh well, if the game is good that tiny detail may not hurt anyone.

    Posted Jun 10, 2010

  • I would prefer the original character as well instead of Daniel Craig, but either way I will be getting this since I do have a Wii as well, although if it does go multi platform then I'll get it on the PS3 instead. :)

    Posted Jun 15, 2010

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