EA Support Tiger Woods

By fishdalf, Posted 06 Jan 2010

Video game goliath Electronic Arts, Inc. have announced that they will continue to stand by and support Tiger Woods, the World’s No.1 golfer, despite the recent controversy surrounding his personal life. Woods has stated that he’s taking a step back from the professional game indefinitely, but that isn’t stopping the release of Tiger Woods PGA Tour Online later this month.

Peter Moore, President of EA Sports vowed in a company blog to do everything he can to back the California-born potting ace and praises him as one of “the greatest athletes in history,” and wasn’t getting dragged into speaking of his personal life, stating, “Our relationship with Tiger has always been rooted in golf.”

Tiger Woods has been involved with EA Sports now for over a decade, seeing a total of 12 major gaming titles released under his name, and remains one of the company’s highest selling series’. With this news emerging we’re sure that there will be many more to come, even if he won’t be playing professionally himself for the time-being. Who knows, maybe he’ll end up picking up a copy himself.

Craig Bryan, NoobFeed

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  • It feels as EA has invested a lot of money on commercial and gaming rights with Tiger Woods. I think the key line on this one is "remains one of the company's highest selling games"..

    Posted Jan 06, 2010

  • Peter Moore gives a good reason to stay with Tiger Woods, it's always been about the sport and nothing with his personal life so I'm glad they are sticking by him

    Posted Jan 06, 2010

  • He'll certainly enjoy that copy. EA Golf series have been the best in the market for quite a long now. It's about time Tiger Woods gets back into action. And, no matter what happens EA Sports IS going to publish a new series sooner or later. Tiger isn't a fool to step back from such a successful franchise.

    Posted Jan 06, 2010

  • I am happy that EA is sticking with Tiger.  I don't think something like this should overshadow the fact that Tiger is the most prolific golfer pretty much ever.

    Posted Jan 06, 2010

  • That's bescause nobody will buy the game if it's called Phil Mickelson '11 or PGA '11.

    Posted Jan 07, 2010

  • prolly cause of lots of money invested and no one will buy any other game and more likely have the next installment nearly complete

    Posted Jan 07, 2010

  • I agree wtih King. The other name of Golf is Tiger Woods.

    Posted Jan 07, 2010

  • @Tanya : Believe it or not, the first time I came across golf was with a guy named Ballesteros (wondering of he's still in action). Tiger Woods followed the years after, can't say that I'm a big fan of golf but when I see it, it brings me great balance in me (unable to explain why).

    Posted Jan 08, 2010

  • @ILIAS: I didn't hear about Ballesteros before. My knowledge about golf doesn't go too far aswell.

    Posted Jan 08, 2010

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