Halo 4 Map Packs Revealed

By XboxBetty, Posted 24 Oct 2012

Halo 4's release date is quickly creeping up on gamers. Before the game has even released Microsoft has announced the War Games Map Pass. The pass is included with the Limited Edition version of the game, separately costing $24.99. Purchasing the War Games Map Pass gets you a 15% discount in comparison to purchasing each of the War Games maps individually.

The first Map Pack is expected this December with the two others following in February and April.

Three War Games Map Packs have been announced:

Crimson Map Pack: Includes the maps Wreckage, Harvest, and Shatter. 343 describes Wreckage as "the chaos of a clash of civilizations” and a “blend of claustrophobic spaces and dangerous exposures.” In Harvest players will “venture into the human colony environs" and “explore a human foray on an alien moon," in Shatter. (Expected release: December).

Majestic Map Pack: Includes the maps Landfall, Monolith, and Skyline. 343 describes Landfall as emphasizing on "infantry battles against a glittering ocean on a distant world," Monolith as an exposure to the vacuum of space, and Skyline as a familiar industrial feel with occasional confined spaces. (Expected release: February).

Castle Map Pack: Includes the maps Daybreak, Outcast, and Perdition. 343 describes Daybreak's setting as "a military facility against the backdrop of an idyllic mountain range.” Outcast puts you into "the warrens, canyons and arches of an alien edifice," and Perdition "takes players into the heart of an urban sprawl, with tactical speed and situational awareness its key features." (Expected release: April).

In addition, buying the War Games Map Pass gets you a Scanner helmet, Strider helmet, and a Falcon emblem. Halo 4 releases on Tuesday, November 6th, exclusively to the Xbox 360.

Source: IGN

Megan Bethke, NoobFeed.
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  • I keep throwing my money all over the place at this monitor because i love how beautiful that game case looks but nothing keeps happening. am i doing it wrong?

    But seriously, i cant find the limited edition on amazon. says its not available yet and i would get emailed when its available...why no price???

    Posted Oct 25, 2012

  • I dont get how they are already announcing this and the game isnt even out. Why not give customers a greater value and include it in the game? Its already $60!

    Posted Oct 26, 2012

  • Ugh. I know what you mean @Dramus. I've been spending sooooo much money on all these huge games coming out. I pre-ordered the limited edition at GameStop. Not sure about Amazon but it's 100 bucks at GameStop...

    Posted Oct 26, 2012

  • @XboxBetty i think amazon doesnt want to allow a preorder on this because they cant estimate the price correctly or something. Because if they preorder, then they have to stick by the preorder price if its lower, and if its higher, they have to give back credits. But ill take anything on this lol. I might not buy it right away, but for that lovely looking box i do want the limited edition. i might just have to grab it though gamestop :/

    Posted Oct 26, 2012

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