Fans of Komani's Silent Hill series have been peeved by the technical complications plaguing the HD remaster of the second and third games. For Xbox 360 owners, those problems will persist. Permanently.



Konami announced today that, due to technical issues, the planned patch, which is already out on PlayStation 3, will not be coming for the 360. Unfortunate, as the frame rate, fog density, voice sync problems and others were far more pronounced on 360.

Komani formally apologized in a statement released, which can be read in full below:

"Today, Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. announced that while a PlayStation 3 online title update for Silent Hill HD Collection has been deployed for download via PlayStation Network, plans for an Xbox 360 title update have been cancelled due to technical issues and resources.

"Understanding the issues some users are experiencing, Konami issued a title update for Silent Hill HD Collection (PS3), which fixed frame rate issues as well as audio-synching and other reported issues. Konami apologizes to any players who are continuing to experience these issues on the Xbox 360 sku."


Callum Rakestraw, NoobFeed.

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  • *sighs* shame. so much for getting this for my xbox :/

    Posted Aug 09, 2012

  • I had also planned to pick this up for 360 at some point but since seeing this... nope :(

    Posted Aug 10, 2012

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