Today (8/1/12) OUYA announced their partnership with VEVO. If you don't know already VEVO is a music video and entertainment platform offering premium music content found anywhere on the web. VEVO can be accessed on smartphone's, tablets, Xbox 360's, and next year on the OUYA.

VEVO will be available on the OUYA on its launch day sometime in March of 2013. Over 50,000 music videos and programming from over 11,000 artists will be available for your viewing/listening pleasure. OUYA owners will be able to access music videos, live concerts, original music programming, and much more.

OUYA's Kickstarter campaign is almost over! You have until next Wednesday (8/8/12) to pledge and reserve your OUYA console. During this last week a special limited edition console and controller will be available if you pledge $140 or stretch your current pledge. The limited edition console/controller looks all but the same to the original OUYA. The only difference announced is its color. The limited edition OUYA is a "rich brown brushed metal finish." Tack on another 40-50 dollars and your OUYA can be brown instead of white.


Is it worth the extra money?


Most exciting is the announcement of the OUYA's button design. Instead of the previous colored circles the new design spells out O-U-Y-A in red, yellow, green and blue. A plus for those who struggle to distinguish colors. Apparently gamers spoke and OUYA heard!




Megan Bethke, NoobFeed.
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  • freaking awesome! but no way ill pay that much more for another color lol. i hope the hype this lovely system is getting wont be for naught!

    Posted Aug 02, 2012

  • Hell no! Way to much for a color change. They should have at least made it some crazy color. Like neon green or metallic or something. :)

    Posted Aug 03, 2012

  • @XboxBetty or a few extra features or something. but system is nice as is.

    Posted Aug 03, 2012

  • this OUYA is something to watch. Can't wait to get my hands on impression :)

    Posted Aug 10, 2012

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