Less than a year after launch, Bioware's MMO forray Star Wars the Old Republic will no longer require a subscription to play.

Come this fall, new players will be able to play up to level 50 for free. These players will, however, be restricted from accessing certain content, such as "advanced player features." Subscribers will be able to access any new content without restriction, but non-subscribing users will have to pay up to access them.

A new currency called Cartel Coins will be introduced, which will handle transactions on in-game items. The aforementioned barriers can be lifted using these coins in some cases. Subcribers will receive these coins at regular intervales.

In addition, the game will be permanently discounted to $14.99 this August ahead of the switch to free-to-play. Purchases will include a free one-month sub. The press release did not say whether the free subscription was a limited time deal.

Callum Rakestraw, NoobFeed.

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  • This is the kind of thing to get me playing this game!

    Posted Aug 01, 2012

  • Not bad. I don't like the Cartel coins idea I reckon they should just ignore a "middle man" so to speak and just follow suit with Diablo (real money)

    Posted Aug 01, 2012

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