E3 2012: Told in Tweets

By fishdalf, Posted 08 Jun 2012


Twitter is always a great platform to read some insightful, interesting and insanely funny messages, and I thought it a great idea to share some E3-themed one’s for you guys from the past few days. We’ll start with some general  Tweets about the event itself.

Casey Malone
My excitement for video games seems to be about the same post E3 as pre-E3. Huh.

Betfair Poker
E3 NEWS: EA have unveiled a game which simulates going to E3 in an alternate universe where all of the new games aren’t sequels.

It’s amazing how many people die on screens at E3.

Gari Clark
Also forgot to say, I’ve turned into a pervert this E3 started. Those booth babes make you walk funny.

Funny Or Die
#E3 is the only place in the world where beautiful women shout the words “beta key.”

Samuel H.
I think it’s funny reading live tweets of people’s reactions to what is shown at #E3. You can kind of tell who the fanboys are.



The heart of every E3 event are the games themselves and here are some of the one’s that have had people talking. We start with football supremo Cristiano Ronaldo, who thinks the game he stars on the cover for is going to be a hit. Surprise, surprise.

Cristiano Ronaldo
My friends @Konami have released the new trailer of PES 2013 at the E3 Show in LA! It will be a great game, believe me!

Ryan Penagos
Okay, Star Wars 1313 is like Unchartered meets Star Wars. AND I AM VERY MUCH OKAY WUTH THAT.

Hilary Goldstein
After seeing AC3, tomb raider, gears judgement, halo 4 and the last of us, not sure why we need next gen before 2014.

Jose “FUBAR” Sanchez
Mature Rated Zombie Apocalypse FPS on the WiiU? Trailer looks rad! ZombiU it is!

Kevin VanOrd
Tomb Raider and Crysis 3 prove there is so much more to be done with the bow and arrow.

Here’s my Black Ops 2 prediction: It will sell, people will complain, a new one will be announced.



Finally, I’d like to share a few conference criticisms directed towards this years’ big-hitters. You can always count on a few controversies from E3, and with many let down by what was on show there has been more there have been one or two strong opinions.

Patrick Klepek
Both of Nintendo’s nightly E3 events have been missed opportunities to regain some momentum with fans.

Defunct Games
Just imagine how many PS Vita games Sony could have announced in the seven hours it took to stroke JK Rowling’s enormous ego.

Jim Sterling
I basically feel like Nintendo fingered me in a rain-slicked alley and walked away without even so much as looking at me.

Shane Satterfield
Microsoft has forgotten that E3 is a video game conference. Save this Smartglass stuff for CES.

Samit Sarkar
Wow… I know Nintendo’s messaging hasn’t been great, but CNN thinks the Wii U is a Wii accessory.

Jim Sterling
Well, that was Microsoft’s press conference. You could have just watched ESPN and shouted “XBOX” every five minutes.

Craig Bryan
, NoobFeed
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  • Cristiano Ronaldo is actually getting his own dedictaed game on PC, what a missed opportunity. Also, that DaavPuke lad, he seems to be pretty savvy on all things gaming. I like that guy.

    Posted Jun 08, 2012

  • Yeah he seems to really know his stuff.

    Posted Jun 08, 2012

  • Daav’Puke’Valentaten (@DaavPuke) Here’s my Black Ops 2 prediction: It will sell, people will complain, a new one will be announced.  

    Damn straight but COD fans could get used to it 

    Posted Jun 08, 2012

  • anyone can get used to it -_- wish they would do a better longer campaign since they already know the hoards will still enjoy multiplayer for billions of hours -_-

    Posted Jun 08, 2012

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