There has been a lot of hype and build up over the past few days, all centered on the latest LucasArts game, entitled Star Wars 1313. There has been quite a bit of mystery and intrigue in the sense that until now, nobody had seen any footage and little was known about the project.


Star Wars 1313 - Noobfeed News


All that we know was it is in development, set in the Star Wars universe and that it was being geared towards a more mature audience. Now we have some actual gameplay footage to go with the title, and I have to tell you to prepare yourself for one of the most graphically enhanced games I’ve ever seen.




So there we have it; an optically stunning game in every aspect, the physics, the effects, the lighting, the backdrops… everything about it screams next gen, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is to be planned as a PlayStation 4, Xbox 720 and high-end PC release sometime late next year.



When that time comes, you’ll take on the role of a bounty hunter who has been sent to level 1313, the seedy underbelly of a multi-layered space complex of a highly-populated planet. What exactly you’re doing there is yet unknown, but when more details come through we’ll be sure to keep you posted.



The game seems to sit right in the third-person action-adventure genre, with the gameplay itself looking rather reminiscent of Uncharted, but in space, with a heavy focus on ducking from cover to cover and button sequences to navigate various crumbling platforms and such. Here’s hoping it can find its own niche and has the length and breadth to go with its visual depth.


Craig Bryan, NoobFeed.

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  • This was one of my favorite announcements of E3. It looks really good, interesting, new, just what I was wanting to see from E3 this year!

    Posted Jun 06, 2012

  • Now this baby looks hawt, beyond belief. i really cant wait to test this one out :D

    Posted Jun 07, 2012

  • Bookmarked at waiting for it. My favourite announcement in this E3.

    Posted Jun 10, 2012

  • Weird enough, as a noob in gaming, i was not fond of Star Wars, of all things not to see, Star Wars was it. After viewing the series and challanging my views towards the series, the incredible sotry (offering something for everyone), i began giving it a shot even in the gaming world. As i was watching E3, i did not believe how great it sounded, and looked, so im deff very excited for this to come out and try it out, although i could honestly say i was not a believer at first, the way the story of Star Wars effected me, was only for the best, and its effect will sure not end, now that this game was announced ;) 

    Posted Jun 15, 2012

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