Fans have clamored for it endlessly, desperately hoping that maybe -- just maybe -- with the next PlayStation Store update will bring the acclaimed PlayStation role-playing game The Legend of Dragoon arriving on Sony's digital platform. Alas, their wishes were never fulfilled. Until now, that is.

Shu Yoshida, Sony Worldwide Studios president, made the announcement on the PlayStation Blog this morning, whilst recalling his time working the game years and years ago. The game will be uploaded to the US Store (no word on a European release yet) on May 1st.

Ah, the days of pre-rendered environments and blocky character models. Good times.

So now finally you four Legend of Dragoon fans got what you've been waiting for. Well, except for that sequel. I suppose you could always try that Internet petition thing. I hear it just recently worked.

As for the rest of us, we'll finally get an easy means of finding out why this game is so coveted. Exciting!

Callum Rakestraw, NoobFeed.

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  • One of Playstations great RPG'S!  I would love to see this series get a reboot on playstation 3,

    Posted Apr 14, 2012

  • @RedWolf37 i would give half my soul to see a reboot of it anywhere! so long as they only increase graphics and stuff like that and leave everything else as is -_- and leaving the difficulty as is as well -_- developers have a nack for making games too easy these days.

    Posted Apr 15, 2012

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