Hold on to your horses, everyone, lest they turn into tanks! Oldschool games peddler GOG.com sometimes likes to show you just how cheap and awesome classic games can be. No need to buy into 60 dollar games if you don’t have the budget; games that were made decades ago are just as good and cost pennies. But sometimes, those guys from The Witcher even don’t need pennies to fund their studio. In the spirit of the holidays, they’ve decided to give away strategy legend, Empire Earth: Gold Edition.


NoobFeed News - GOG.com FREE Empire Earth / Confrontation / Darksiders II
You too could be the proud owner of one of these Empire Earth wallpapers.


The game is like Age of Empires, Command & Conquer and Civilization all rolled up into one. It’s even gotten so much attention due to the limited 48 hour offer that the site has collapsed under the pressure. If you’re not in a deep coma, go get yourself a slice of game awesomeness before the offer expires. If you know some people in slight comas, go tell them the news right now. They’ll wake up, trust me. The gift is a way to introduce their holiday sale by the way. They have amazing titles like Fahrenheit for 3 bucks right now. Go buy it and make that whiny guy from Heavy Rain happy for a second of his malcontent life.



Also, and this has nothing to do with the prior, THQ released a new Darksiders II trailer I thought you might like. When you’re done with that, Ubisoft also sent us a trailer for Confrontation. It’s the video game adaptation of the famous board game universe by Rackham from Cyanide, who also make those Tour de France games I can’t seem to get into.



Happy holy days.


Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

comments powered by Disqus

  • Daav i bloodly love you! I'm getting Empire Earth as we speak. I'm so excited.

    Posted Dec 12, 2011

  • Thanks a lot for the heads up mate, downloading as we speak :)

    Posted Dec 13, 2011

  • I feel really good knowing I was able to help out at least 4 people already. Everyone that gets their free game should comment. Share the love.

    Posted Dec 13, 2011

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