Have I told you recently how amazingly incompetent the postal service is around here? I’m sure I have, but it bears repeating. These dudes just left a huge box marked “cool stuff” lying around in the building. That’s right, if you live around here and are reading this; it’s basically the perfect crime. We’ll use that crime segue to tell you about what’s up.


NoobFeed News - Batman: Arkham City PC Collector's Edition Looks Pretty Rad


Batman: Arkham City (Crime. Clever, right?) saw some sizeable delays on PC, but the dark knight finally landed and even comes in a plastic little cell, called a Collector’s Edition. Since the nice people of Warner Bros were kind enough to send us one our way for us to review, we thought we might share the goodies with you.


NoobFeed News - Batman: Arkham City PC Collector's Edition Looks Pretty Rad


Most prominently, a Batman statuette rests right in the middle of the contraption. The winged crusader is made by Kotobukiya, which I’m told is an extraordinary manufacturer of action figures and the likes. The weighty feel of the little figure and careful detail on the costume sure doesn’t lie on that part, though I wonder what’s up with keeping the face gray.


NoobFeed News - Batman: Arkham City PC Collector's Edition Looks Pretty RadNoobFeed News - Batman: Arkham City PC Collector's Edition Looks Pretty Rad
NoobFeed News - Batman: Arkham City PC Collector's Edition Looks Pretty RadNoobFeed News - Batman: Arkham City PC Collector's Edition Looks Pretty Rad


But let’s park at the boxing a little for once. Sure, the press releases always mention a display box, but no one ever pays any mind to it, yet this one double packs it into an actual thing; an actual thing! The outside carton displays all the goodies detailed inside, as well as game info, some nice and horrific Joker art and the not unimportant mention of it being a collector’s edition. The inside reveals this sort of special casing, used to store the various goods around our caped menace.


NoobFeed News - Batman: Arkham City PC Collector's Edition Looks Pretty Rad
NoobFeed News - Batman: Arkham City PC Collector's Edition Looks Pretty Rad


The front is loaded up with a compartment that stores the extra animated DVD content this edition holds. I haven’t seen it so far, but if you want, I’ll keep you posted. It looks to be entertaining in that non Christian Bale kind of way.


NoobFeed News - Batman: Arkham City PC Collector's Edition Looks Pretty Rad


But the main attraction is stored on top; mainly, the art book, extra downloadable content and the game discs themselves. This DLC contains an extra challenge map in the Iceberg Lounge, which makes the Mr. Freeze addition make more sense. But there’s also an extra skin called “The Dark Knight Returns,” though players need to complete the game before being able to enjoy it. More digital nonsense; the collector’s edition also comes with a soundtrack and a pretty ridiculous one at that, featuring acts like Panic at The Disco, Coheed & Cambia and †††. Yes, someone named their band that.

The game still comes with the controversial Catwoman unlock code, but other than that, there’s plenty of things in this one. The collector’s edition is priced at around €75 (which is about 100 US, I’m told), but is it worth the purchase? I’d say…yes. Though, I’d be even more enthused if it hadn’t used Games For Windows Live, there is definitely a bunch of added incentives included in the price. Also, I really like how they actually incorporated the discs in the art book, so you’d actually look at it more than once. I’d happily put the masked bat upon our ever-growing shrine of game goodies, but I fear he might upset other neat things. So, if you live around the Benelux, come play with my caped crusader!


Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

comments powered by Disqus

  • It surely looks cool!

    Posted Nov 30, 2011

  • i know your joy Daav....the artbook had me squealing like a school girl at a pop idol's concert.

    Posted Nov 30, 2011

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