By surprise, Rockstar Games has officially announced Grand Theft Auto V. The revelation came through the official website of the company, which was completely replaced by the logo of the game and the inscription Trailer, with the date of November 2nd.  Translation: Rockstar Games announced the arrival of an awaited trailer for Grand Theft Auto V on 02 November this year. After much speculation on the subject, it seems that eventually the developer will release updates to the continuance of one of the most famous franchises around the world.


Rumors about the long-awaited new episode are lurking for some time. In July last year, the site videogaming247 revealed that Los Angeles could be the city that would serve as the backdrop for Grand Theft Auto V, and at the time, Rockstar Games said it would not make an official announcement on rumors or speculation.


Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

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  • RUMORS!!! I heard that it will take Botswana and offer jobs in porn that you can trade in for real life jobs in porn by getting trophies and achievements!



    Posted Oct 25, 2011

  • About time ;D

    Posted Oct 25, 2011

  • i was wondering where the hell this was...about time....

    Posted Oct 25, 2011

  • @Daavpuke: yeah, I'd like to see that happen :D

    Posted Oct 25, 2011

  • considering how the five is in the shape of the symbol of money, one can assume either vice city or san andreas.

    Posted Oct 26, 2011

  • Wow, really? 

    Posted Oct 30, 2011

  • I seen a comparison trailer recently with this trailer and san andreas, they looked almost completly identical so im pretty confident its in the same area and more.

    Posted Nov 07, 2011

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