Epic Games confirmed last week that they would be providing developers a larger percentage if they sold their titles on their store instead of Valve's Steam or other digital stores. Now, Discord is offering something better, a 90/10 split for games sold on their store.


Discord is notorious for their popular communication application but recently started selling games this year and in 2019 will allow developers to self-publish games and offer a bigger cut of 90/10. This is the highest revenue split and unlike Valve's unpopular policy that determines the split based on game sales, this system is available to everyone regardless of size.

Earlier this year though, we noticed a change happening in the game industry. We talked to a lot of developers, and many of them feel that current stores are not earning their 30% of the usual 70/30 revenue share. Because of this, we now see developers creating their own stores and launchers to distribute their games instead of focusing on what’s really important — making great games and cultivating amazing communities.

Discord, like Epic, still has a limited selection but considering the incredible deal, it'll likely attract a lot of developers. This will also encourage Valve to change tactics as the Steam platform has become increasingly more unpopular among both triple-A and indie developers who are either searching for alternate options or using their own platform.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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General Information

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Publisher(s): Another Indie
Developer(s): DARK STAR
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