Nintendo Will Keep Making Games for Switch After Switch 2 Releases

The usual lifespan of video game consoles continues to live even after the new generation gets released, same will be true for Nintendo Switch.

By AtillaTuran, Posted 03 Oct 2023

It is blatantly out there that there is an upcoming new console coming from the game giant, Nintendo. While there is written confirmation, the last one came from an insider who stated that Nintendo showcased the latest console in one of the biggest game shows in the USA. Dubbed Nintendo Switch 2, it will be certainly different than its previous counterpart. The other console makers, Sony and Microsoft already moved on to the next generation consoles and Nintendo is ready to jump generations as well.

While there is no confirmed release date for the Nintendo Switch 2, it is expected to arrive sometime in 2024. Although this gives a bit of concern to the current owners of the Switch about its relevancy, they should not worry at all, because Nintendo still has plans for the console. According to an interview with the current president of Nintendo, Shuntaro Furukawa, we could expect to see more games being released for the console up until March 2025.

Nintendo Switch, Switch 2, Nintendo, Super Mario Bros Wonder, Princess Peach Showtime, NoobFeed

This means that people who are not ready to change their Switch to Switch 2 can expect some other games to be ported to their favorite consoles, as well as some exclusive titles being developed and published for it as well. In fact, we have a lot of titles to go through for the Nintendo Switch.

For example, the new Mario Bros Wonder is due this month and in March of 2024, we will see the release of Princess Peach Showtime. These titles are not the only ones planned for Switch, however. The remakes of the Super Mario RPG, Super Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door, and the port of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD are expected in the next year as well.

In short, there won’t be a shortage of content and Nintendo is still planning ahead when it comes to their first Switch model. However, we are certainly sure the change from Switch to Switch 2 will be immediate once Nintendo does a public showcase of the upcoming consoles in the next year.

Atilla Turan (@burningarrow)
Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information

Platform(s): Switch
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Developer(s): Nintendo
Genres: Game Console
Themes: N/A
Release Date: 2017-03-04

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