Blog Posts

  • Happy Thanksgiving

    Category: Blogs, Posted 22 Nov 2012

    Hey guys :) Today is thanksgiving here in the US. simply a holiday of giving thanks and eating unt

  • Windows 8 Impressions

    Category: Blogs, Posted 21 Nov 2012

    Windows 8 is a great operating system, but it is one that feels trapped between Windows 7 and what W

  • [UPDATE]Windows 8 Impressions Coming Soon

    Category: Blogs, Posted 01 Nov 2012

    UPDATE: This article will require more time to publish. I continue to find various likes/dislikes

  • smile over smile over smile

    Category: Blogs, Posted 11 Jul 2012

    Since its summer,i have way more time to be derping around on the internet, when NF was down i fel

  • Suggestions

    Category: Blogs, Posted 11 Jul 2012

    Hey guys, so thinking of making gaming video blogs (talk show, research, questions, whatever else)


Average Joe
  • Last Login : 30 Jan, 2011
  • Member Since : 20 Jan 2011
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  • DOB : 15 Feb 1996
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