Sorry About My Absence...

By KingCreole, Posted 02 Aug 2009

I haven't really been on in the last week or so, sorry for my inactivity. There's been a bit happening around here lately and haven't really had the time to come here lately. But everything is pretty much settled now, and I should be just as active as I once was. :)


And, on a side note, I just got tickets to see Aerosmith and ZZ Top live next month. :D

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  • hey, how is everything ? we missed you !

    welcome back, enjoy the site more !

    Posted Aug 02, 2009
  • Welcome back! Glad it's all ok with you.

    Posted Aug 02, 2009
  • welcome back:o lol enjoy the concert next month

    Posted Aug 02, 2009
  • it's only a week, it's fine :P

    and aerosmith + ZZ top? talk about stone-age rock :P

    Posted Aug 03, 2009
  • Good to see you back KingCreole :) Enjoy the concerts :)

    @ Bruno : If Tokyo Hotel are the modern rock, sorry but I prefer to live in stone age :P I wonder where Puff Daddy, Eminem and the rest of mainstream "music" will be when they reach their 60s (if they make it till there) :P

    Posted Aug 03, 2009
  • It's good to have you back KingCreole.Hope you wont leave us again.Smile

    Enjoy the Concert..SurprisedTongue out

    Posted Aug 03, 2009
  • mischief  I haven't been active either.

    Posted Aug 03, 2009
  • Good to have you back.

    Lucky you! Enjoy the concert. :D

    Posted Aug 03, 2009
  • avatar RON

    I know someone who'd give away anything for that Aerosmith live ticket.

    Posted Aug 03, 2009
  • You've only been gone for a week or so?  Don't sweat it.  I was gone for months at a time.  :P

    Posted Aug 03, 2009
  • Everyone still remembers me! :P Thanks everyone :)


    @Bruno: Yea, they're a little old now, but I'd rather see them more than a lot of today's stuff, lol :P

    @ RON: I dunno, maybe not, I got real cheap seats. I'm actually going to be taking binoculars so I know I'll be able to see, lol :P

    Posted Aug 03, 2009
  • Great to have you back KingCreole :D And, it was me Ron talking about :D :D But, unfortunately I won't be able to go to that show :( I hope you have fun there and post some pictures of it :D

    Posted Aug 04, 2009
  • Old rock (and actually old music ) > new music. It's a fact. Aerosmith and ZZ Top? Man , that's awesome. I just found out that ZZ Top will come in Romania on the 20th of October ... too bad their tour alongside Aerosmith ends by then :P Have fun anyway!

    Posted Aug 05, 2009
  • Steven Tyler fell at a concert yesterday, hopefully he'll be fully recovered by the time I see them live. :)


    @Tanya: I'll see if I can get pics, though I don't know how well I'll be able to see them from where I'll be :P


    @Woozie: I totally agree, music today isn't like it used to be (I sound old saying that, lol :P). Hopefully you'll get to see ZZ Top when they come by :D

    Posted Aug 06, 2009
  • I hope you have some great great time over there :) Just return in one piece. Photos aren't high priority :)

    Posted Aug 07, 2009

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