Dammit all to heck!

By Mythical1, Posted 18 Feb 2009

Yell My DS is dying.  The bottom screen is messed up.  I'm going to have to get a new one :(

comments powered by Disqus
  • Damn, that sucks. =(
    Don't you have some sort of warranty on it?
    If not i would hold out until April when the DSi is released.

    Posted Feb 19, 2009
  • ZOMG NOES!!!!!!!

    And yeah what fishy says....if you can wait...DSi :D

    Posted Feb 19, 2009
  • Sorry to hear that Frown

    Posted Feb 21, 2009
  • avatar RON

    can't you get it fixed?

    Posted Feb 28, 2009

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