Hey everyone

By Big_Boss, Posted 20 Jul 2009

I'm still alive.

Been really busy for a while, and now works started on 12-13 hour shifts...

Also been feeling really down lately, and nothing seems to go right for me... so yeh.

Cya around

EDIT: Also see my status here has been bumped down, thanks for warning me on that one.Undecided

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  • Glad your still around, really sorry that things haven't been going your way :(. 

    Posted Jul 20, 2009
  • It's great to hear that you're still around, It's been a while since our last chat. Having a new job is already great, but 12 hours? I think it's too much.

    Posted Jul 20, 2009
  • I still remember you.

    Posted Jul 20, 2009
  • Go easy with the shifts mate, don't spend all your energy there because tireness will hunt you (trust me I know). More than happy to see you around and taking some action :)

    Posted Jul 20, 2009
  • excellent, good that your still here

    Posted Jul 20, 2009
  • good to see you again ! sorry for the mishaps to you !

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Good to have you back in action :)

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • Welcome back mate, and take it easy with the work.  ;)

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • It's good to have you back :) I was wondering whether your guitar was keeping you busy and away from the board.

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • Seems like this is happening to a lot of us.  We disappear, and then reappear, just like I did.  Well, welcome back.  :P

    Posted Jul 21, 2009

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