Dragon Quest IV

By Mythical1, Posted 17 Feb 2009

I picked up Dragon Quest IV from Circuit City's going out of business sale.  I got it for $25.  It was originally $34.99, so I was happy with $25.

This is the first Dragon's Quest that I've played....on the DS or any other console it may be on.  So I don't have any background on this game or series.

I have about an hour in on it and I am liking it more than I thought I would, so that's good.  

Anyone have any opinions on Dragon Quest?

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  • Never played it myself, but i'm sure i'll eventually get around to it.
    It will be nice to hear a few future opinions from someone who has had no prior experience, like me. =)

    Posted Feb 17, 2009
  • Nice bargain Smile

    Posted Feb 18, 2009
  • Do I have an opinion on Dragon Quest you ask?  Ha....I'll give you one better!


    First Dragon Quest and only Dragon Quest I've played so far is Dragon Quest 8 for the PS2.  To this day...it not only remains to be one of if not MY FAVORITE RPG I've ever played but it is probably one of my favorite games of all time.  It is one of the few games that I absolutely loved EVERYTHING about it. 


    I looked at getting DQIV once but later ended up trading my DS away....but that's besides the point.  Feel confident in this purchase you'll love it...how do I know?


    Level 5, devs for DQ (and if memory serves me correctly)Rogue Galaxy, Professor Layton, and the upcoming WHITE KNIGHT CHRONICLES :D, are one of my favorite devs.  They've never dissapointed me personally with a game they've made.  They've always been quality games.  So...that's just me...but I think you should rest assured that you made a VERY good purchase.

    Posted Feb 18, 2009
  • avatar RON

    i was asked to write a review on this game but too bad that i still haven't played it yet.

    i hope you enjoy the game and let us know your viewpoints on the game writing a review later :)

    Posted Feb 18, 2009
  • I am loving the game so far!  I heard that there's a Dragon Quest V for the DS and I want it!!!

    Posted Feb 18, 2009

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