Hmm. This story was picked up from a source at CNET. The basic premise of this one is that windows 7 will be sold on USB thumb drives. Lets dig a lil deeper shall we.


As you may know or not know yesterday pre-orders for the soon to be released OS were availible to consumers. One of the questions is netbooks. Most netbooks are more or less lacking on the disk drive front. The realm of ultra portable devices may have issues loading the brand spanking new and hopefully better than vista OS on there internet browsing devices, or will they. A source at CNET has told editors that the operating system may be availible on USB thumb drives to the netbook market. This could cause some issues in one way or another such as compatability, getting it to boot properly, the drive breaking, or not. Who knows. It would also bring a whole new wave of accesability to the users. All in all it sounds great, but is it real.



Either way, this would be a great idea. Some issues aside it would really give that extra push to get netbook or even alot of computer users to get the new OS.




comments powered by Disqus
  • I just need to get rid of Vista.

    Posted Jun 26, 2009
  • This will be a very good installment, as long as it doesn't cause any problems :) Thanks for the feedback Forest :)

    Posted Jun 27, 2009
  • no problem on the feedback? Not sure what you meant by that but I love to write these things

    Posted Jun 27, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Very innovative. No wonder this is going to be the best selling operating system very soon.

    Posted Jun 27, 2009
  • Every computer (even netbooks and MacBook Airs) have a USB port. Flash memory is cheap. I think its happening.

    Posted Jun 27, 2009
  • I hope this doesn't add any extra cost to it. Very nice idea indeed :)

    Posted Jun 27, 2009
  • THAT usb looks cool !

    Posted Jun 28, 2009

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